Guinea pigs - care and maintenance

To ensure that the maintenance and care of the guinea pig did not cause trouble, the animal did not get sick, lived a long life and brought joy to its owners, it is necessary to prepare everything necessary for keeping the animal before purchasing it. It is necessary to know in advance what to feed, how to care for guinea pig and how to train it. Accustoming to the owner has the same value as the right content, and care for the guinea pig. Pigs are very sociable animals, so they need to pay a lot of attention. If the owner can not pay enough attention to the pet, then it is better to start several guinea pigs at once. In this case, they will not be bored, but they get used to a worse person. Girls get along easier than boys, and if you keep a couple, you need to control their reproduction. When taming to a person it is important not to frighten the animal, to be as gentle and calm as possible, to avoid sudden movements and loud sounds. If a guinea pig is bought for a child, then it is necessary for him to explain how to properly handle the animal, since children often frighten and injure the animals.

Care and maintenance of guinea pigs

Usually guinea pigs are kept in special cells, large enough. But at the same time every day it is necessary to let the animal walk on a room or apartment. The cell should be well ventilated, but this should be protected from drafts. The floor of the cell is covered with a layer of sawdust, 2-3 cm thick. Sawdust should not be too small, since they can get into the respiratory tract. Sawdust needs to be changed on a regular basis, otherwise the guinea pig will smell bad, or start to stink if you change the flooring very rarely. Often such problems arise if the animals are followed by children, so it is important to teach them how to care for guinea pig so that there is no smell. To do this, you need to observe what part of the cell the animal chooses for its needs, and place there a separate container with sawdust. If this capacity is cleaned every day, the rest of the cell can be cleaned less often. The place for the cage should be chosen light, warm, away from drafts, but it should not be placed near batteries or under the open sun. The cage should contain a feeding bowl, a drinking bowl and a rest house. Every week, it is necessary to do general cleaning, every three days to change the flooring, and daily clean the feeder and drinking bowl.

Feeding guinea pigs

Food and vitamins for guinea pigs should be of high quality. First of all, the pig must have good hay in unlimited quantities. Fresh hay can not be given, it should be dried for at least 1.5 months. What the guinea pigs eat in nature is not always possible to find in urban conditions. Mostly it concerns herbs, which are the source of many vitamins, for example, plantain, yarrow, clover. But some plants can be poisonous and dangerous to life, especially nightshade, celandine, field mustard, buttercup, corrosive, hemlock. House plants can also be a danger. The food should consist of solid and green food. Solid grasses include cereals, oats grains, willow twigs, spruce, aspen. Green food is carrots, cucumbers, beets, broccoli cabbage, apples, all kinds of salad, parsley, celery. Each mumps can have its own preferences, so it is advisable to observe what the guinea pigs eat and what they like, and take this into account when feeding. But at the same time it is not allowed to overeat the pig, also carefully add white cabbage to the diet, since it can cause bloating. During the evolution of the mumps have lost the ability to synthesize vitamin C, so you need to monitor that this vitamin is present in the feed, or added to drinking water. Sometimes pigs eat their litter, which should not cause concern - thus, they receive vitamins that are not digested during the initial digestion of food.

Due to the unpretentiousness of guinea pigs in the maintenance, care and feeding, these animals have gained great popularity, as pets around the globe.