Pomeranian Pomeranian bear type

Pomeranian Spitz are so friendly and cheerful that in Western Europe even opened several clinics, in which as a therapeutic therapy prescribed to communicate with these beautiful and funny animals. It has already been proven that this method helps to improve mood, and cures the consequences of stress. Pygmy pomeran bear type can amuse any person. These incredible dogs, similar to small toy cubs, are able to genuinely rejoice and sympathize in the misfortune of their master. To confuse them with someone is almost impossible. What else is there in them so unusual that it allowed these funny animals to gain popularity very quickly all over the world?

Description of breed German dwarf pomeran bear type

Over time, as a result of prolonged breeding, several types of dwarf spitz have emerged within the breed. The most popular of them were Fox, Classic, Pomeranian and Teddy Bear. The last representatives of this unique family have a tightly knocked backbone and a broad chest. Their magnificent wool is the thickest among all the Spitz. The muzzle is bulky and not as pointed as others. Cheeks in "cubs" can be called plump, and eyes are located closer to the nose than the others. Yes, and the tip of the spout is located slightly higher. Very nice looks white Pomeranian bear bear. He's fluffy and snow-white, running around the house like a little merry cloud. Affectionate and playful kids just want to cuddle in their arms. It's just that such a cloud of happiness is not cheap enough. All this is explained by the fact that there is always a stable demand for this breed.

Pomeranian Pomeranian bear type - care

Usually, the Pomeranians in the litter are born a few puppies - one or three. Breeders try to find their parents by weight so that the bitch weighed about two and a half kilograms, and the dog - 2-2.2 kg. If the "lady" behaves aggressively towards the "knight", then she is not yet ready to knit. The term for fertilization is individual for each animal, but usually the optimal moment comes about on the 11th or 13th day of the estrus. If everything went well, then on the 58-63th day babies are born. Puppy Pomeranian spitz bear-type at birth weighs 55-125 grams. Until the age of two months, babies from a nursing mother are not taken away, and with good care they gain up to 10 grams of weight per day.

The main pride of these animals is their luxurious coat. In the care it is not so complicated, as it may first seem. Comb them twice a week. More frequent procedure can leave your pet without undercoat. An adult Pomeranian bear-type spitz does not need frequent water procedures. Wash them before the show, if you get drenched in the yard for a walk or during moulting. Before you start bathing, the animal must be carefully combed.

In dwarfish breeds, the weak point is often the teeth. It is necessary to clean them with specially designed brushes to prevent the development of periodontitis. Eyes also have to be periodically wiped with moist tampons, which can be moistened with simple boiled water. Small sizes of "cubs" allow them to arrange a toilet in a tray with a filler.

As a food for the Pomeranian bear-type spitz, it is better to use a quality balanced dry food, in which there are all vitamins and trace elements. Not all natural products that we eat, will suit our pets. You should avoid getting into their diet of sweets, smoked products or sausages, although you are able to ask delicacies for these delicious creations perfectly. It's a shame to deny the hairy baby who has fixed on you a plaintive beautiful face. It is very good that almost all oranges are well trained. They understand your desires from the very first, and in the process of training with representatives of this breed there are no special difficulties.