Nitchatka in the aquarium - how to fight?

When keeping fish in an aquarium, you may encounter a problem such as filamentous algae. Green algae, to which the filament refers, parasitize on the leaves of plants growing in the aquarium, entangling them with their own threads.

Everyone knows that if changes occur in the environment of an organism, there is a threat of its existence. At this time, another organism, which is comfortable in this environment, begins to displace the first. If there is a thread in your aquarium, the ways how to fight it will not give the desired result until you eliminate the cause of its appearance.

Methods of struggle

Filamentous algae must appear in the water body in the presence of excess content of water-soluble compounds of nitrogen and phosphorus. Therefore, first of all you need to pay attention to filter operation and lighting. The blue light, which favors the growth of the filament, must be eliminated and replaced with a soft one. Accumulation of ammonia compounds occurs both with a weakened filter, and with too many fish with insufficient number of plants. Floating plants and such that grow rapidly (hygrophilia, vallisnerii) oppress filamentous algae, taking away their food. Of great importance is the concentration of iron in the aquarium. It should not exceed the allowable dose of 0.2 mg / l.

Extraction of algae from the aquarium by hand, for example when settling Spirogyroi, is almost the only method of struggle. It is very important to clean the plants of the filament and wash them, and CO2 should be fed into the aquarium only in the daytime. To all cleaning activities, many recommend to darken the aquarium for three days.

In some cases, the use of algaecides, such as Saidex, containing glutaraldehyde, is very effective. Hydrogen peroxide in an amount of 6 to 10 mg / L and a filament are also incompatible.

Do not neglect and biological methods of killing algae parasites. Who eats nitchatka, so it's catfish , gastromises, viviparous fishes of pecilia and molliesia , as well as caropods, Giordanelles, Siamese epalceorinhosy.