
It happens that a person feels unusual. Or even more precisely, it does not feel right. The condition of a certain personality disorder, the alienation of some or absolutely all mental processes. Feeling of unreality of what is happening to you. In psychoanalysis, this process is called depersonalization.

What is depersonalization?

Personality depersonalization is a rather interesting thing. It does not happen with some people who are prone to mental illness. Depersonalization can occur with each person at this or that stage of his life. The reasons for this can be completely different. Typically, this happens at a time when a person is experiencing some traumatic situation in his psyche - it can be the death of a loved one, an accident, stress. Thus, our body, as it were, is protected from the experiences and pain associated with this moment. Depersonalization, as psychoanalysts explain, is not a very successful escape from external threats and internal fears. It allows the human brain to be abstract and logical to look at the situation, without disturbing emotions at this moment. This is normal in a one-time situation and, usually, it passes when the traumatized situation ends. Bad - when it becomes a permanent state.

Depersonalization has such symptoms as:

Psychoanalysts, when talking about how to get rid of depersonalization, usually recommend rational psychotherapy. They are explained that those feelings of alienation of one's own self from his body - do not conceal in themselves anything supernatural and incomprehensible. There are a lot of examples from literary works in which depersonalization of the person occurs - sensations of apathy and impossibility of reaction to this or that situation, perception of themselves as if from outside, unnaturalness of everything happening - in perfectly normal and healthy people. Gradually, people are led to the fact that he again began to make a connection between his self and everything that happens to him and around him.

If this is not enough, then in the treatment of depersonalization, it is possible to use hypnosis and autogenic training (speaking conditionally - self-hypnosis and self-education). At the same time, it is closely interwoven with explanatory therapy. The person who has the depersonalization of the person is given the suggestion that he can calmly switch his attention to the world around him if some disturbing phenomenon occurs. After that, they explain to him that such a shift in attention reduces the feeling of alienation and, accordingly, reduces the sense of fear associated with this.

When depersonalization specialists strongly do not recommend:

In the rest, as it was said at the beginning of the article, the syndrome of depersonalization is quite a widespread phenomenon. In most cases, it passes by itself, with the complicity and support of relatives and close people. The main thing is to listen to yourself, but do not divide yourself into parts!