Training plaits

A novelty in bodybuilding is training with a tourniquet. Such activities involve performing low intensity exercises, during which the blood flow is clamped by means of a tourniquet. The developers of this method promise a significant increase in strength, muscle mass and endurance . It is very difficult to achieve such results during normal training.

Japanese scientists have found out how the tourniquets for training affect the human body. The conducted experiments showed that during such trainings the level of growth hormone increases by 290%, when compared with the usual state of the organism. In addition, due to the use of rubber harnesses for strength training, the level of norepinephrine and lactic acid increases.

It is considered that the tourniquet for training leads to the fact that the muscles are in shocking state, and also creates an environment in which a small load is enough to allow muscle growth to start. After such training, the blood flow is significantly increased, which increases muscle growth.

Comparative experiment

To determine how the rubber tourniquet for training works on the body, men were selected who performed exercises with and without a tourniquet. It was noted that the level of growth hormone increased significantly, but the strength decreased by 50%, and even rest did not help to recover quickly. Thanks to these experiments, it can be concluded that trainings with a tourniquet are more effective, but it is worth taking into account the fact that this method has not been thoroughly investigated, and nothing is known about the safety of such exercises. If you limit blood flow, but do not do it, the level of growth hormone does not change. Before using the tourniquet for training, be sure to consult a trainer and a doctor.

Option training with the harness: