Holocaust interest card

The questionnaire of AE Golomshtok's interests is intended for studying the inclinations and abilities of high school students in various fields of activity. The author of the map identifies 23 spheres: mathematics, physics, philology, chemistry, astronomy, biology, medicine, agriculture, journalism, art, history, geology, geography, public activity, law, transport, pedagogy, work specialties, light industry, electrical engineering, technology. The full version is presented as a test and contains 174 questions. The test allows you to identify the structure of preferences. Therefore, the methodology of the map of interests of Golomshtok is relevant in career counseling and when applying for a job. In the latter case, the employer receives information about the leading hobbies of a potential employee.

The reduced map of interests of Golomshtok highlights 10 directions of professional activity:

When completing a blank card of cognitive interests and inclinations, you will see 10 columns that correspond to the above activities. As a result of processing your answers, you will be able to identify the propensity and disposition to any professional spheres from this list (as a rule, they are obtained a few).

Questions relate to the attitude of a person to various spheres of activity. If you like doing what is said in the questionnaire, then in the answer form next to the question number, mark "+", if you do not like it, then "-".

Number issues Sum of points
1 eleven 21 31 41
2 12 22 32 42
3 13 23 33 43
4 14 24 34 44
5 15 25 35 45
6th 16 26th 36 46
7th 17th 27th 37 47
8 18 28 38 48
9 19 29 39 49
10 20 thirty 40 50

Do you like:

  1. Learn about the discoveries in physics and mathematics.
  2. Watch the broadcast about the life of plants and animals.
  3. Find out the device of electrical appliances.
  4. Read non-fiction technical journals.
  5. Watch the broadcasts about people's lives in different countries.
  6. To attend exhibitions, concerts, performances.
  7. Discuss and analyze events in the country and abroad.
  8. Watch the work of a nurse, a doctor.
  9. To create coziness and order in the house, classroom, school.
  10. Read books and watch films about wars and battles.
  11. Do mathematical calculations and calculations.
  12. Learn about discoveries in the field of chemistry and biology.
  13. Repair household electrical appliances.
  14. Attend technical exhibitions, get acquainted with the achievements of science and technology.
  15. Go hiking, visit new unexplored places.
  16. Read reviews and articles about books, films, concerts.
  17. Participate in the public life of the school, the city.
  18. Explain to classmates educational material.
  19. Independently perform work on the au pair.
  20. Observe the regime, lead a healthy lifestyle.
  21. Conduct experiments on physics.
  22. To take care of animal plants.
  23. Read articles on electronics and radio engineering.
  24. Collect and repair watches, locks, bicycles.
  25. Collect stones and minerals.
  26. Keep a diary, write poems and stories.
  27. Read biographies of famous politicians, books on history.
  28. To play with children, to help to do lessons younger.
  29. Buy products for the house, keep a record of expenses.
  30. Participate in military games, campaigns.
  31. Do physics and mathematics in excess of the school curriculum.
  32. To notice and explain natural phenomena.
  33. Collect and repair computers.
  34. Build drawings, charts, graphs, including on the computer.
  35. Participate in geographic, geological expeditions.
  36. Tell your friends about the books you read, movies and performances you've seen.
  37. Monitor political life in the country and abroad.
  38. Care for young children or loved ones if they get sick.
  39. Search and find ways to make money.
  40. Do physical training and sports.
  41. Participate in physical and mathematical olympiads.
  42. Perform laboratory experiments in chemistry and biology.
  43. Understand the principles of electrical appliances.
  44. Understand the principles of the work of various mechanisms.
  45. "Read" geographic and geological maps.
  46. Participate in performances, concerts.
  47. To study the politics and economy of other countries.
  48. To study the causes of human behavior, the structure of the human body.
  49. To invest the earned money in the home budget.
  50. Participate in sports competitions.

Calculate how many pluses were obtained in each line. The more of them, the higher your interest in this activity. Even if you do not use the form, you can easily determine to which area you gravitate, after calculating positive answers. Pay attention to the wording of the question and compare it with the list of professional spheres.