Polymer clay sheep

With the approach of the New Year holidays, each of us is faced with the problem of choosing gifts for relatives, friends, colleagues and just good acquaintances. A perfect gift for any of them will become a symbol of the coming year, made by oneself - a polymer clay lamb. Lovely and warmed by the warmth of your hands, the sheep will surely bring luck to all its owners. You can learn how to make a lamb from our detailed master class.

Souvenir from polymer clay "Sheep"

So, it is decided - we are making a lamb made of polymer clay. For this we need:

Getting Started

  1. From the polymer clay roll three balls. The main one will be white clay and it should be the largest one. Two smaller balls are rolled from the clay of peach and lilac flowers.
  2. We take a peach-colored ball and squeeze out a transverse groove with an awl or screwdriver. Furrows must be deep enough, but do not transfer the ball into two parts. The furrow should be located in the upper third of our ball.
  3. As a result, we'll get such a workpiece with a transverse groove - this will be the workpiece for the muzzle of our sheep.
  4. The next step is to take in hand a ball of white clay and flatten it in a medium-sized pancake.
  5. Pancake should turn out to be about 2 mm thick and of such dimensions that it can be half-wrapped with a peach-colored ball.
  6. We wrap the back half of the peach ball.
  7. After the two parts of the head of our sheep are joined, we proceed to the most important part of the work - drawing of sheep's curls. This work is quite painstaking and requires patience and perseverance, because it will depend on the entire appearance of our souvenir. Drawing curls is most convenient with a knitting needle of small diameter or compass.
  8. When the sheep already have a curly fur coat, it is necessary to fasten the hook in her head.
  9. After installing the hook comes the time of strengthening on the head of the ears. It is very important that the ears are placed symmetrically, so the place for them is better marked with a ruler. To make the ears roll small balls of peach-colored mastic.
  10. We give the balls the shape of droplets and force them into longitudinal grooves.
  11. We get such lovely ears.
  12. We attach the ears to the head.
  13. What lamb without horns? For their production, we roll two small sausages 2x0.5 cm.
  14. With the help of the stack, we cut the horns every 6-7 mm.
  15. We twist the horns in the form of shells.
  16. Mount the horns to the head just above the ears.
  17. Give the muzzle of our sheep the desired expression, attaching to it eye-beads, drawing with a needle and a mouth and mouth.
  18. We fasten the neck to the head, blind it from the white clay and draw the curls on it.
  19. When the whole lamb is collected it remains only to bake in the oven according to the instructions on the package. After cooling, our souvenir can be varnished.