Treatment of nail fungus - the best methods of eliminating onychomycosis

Onychomycosis is one of the most common infectious diseases of horny cells. Treatment of fungus is a long and complex process, requiring a comprehensive individual approach and discipline. The effectiveness of therapy depends on the stage of pathology, the onychomycosis started is harder to treat.

How can I get a nail fungus?

The causative agents of the group of diseases under consideration are easily transmitted from the infected carrier to the healthy person by means of a contact-household method. The main causes of nail fungus are pathogenic microorganisms of 3 types:

How can I get a nail fungus on my legs?

Onychomycosis of the feet is often provoked by dermatophytes. In neglected cases, damaged areas colonize molds. Fungus on the nails of the legs can be "picked up" in the following places:

High risk of infection with onychomycosis even at home, if someone from family members suffers from this pathology. Similarly, infection occurs easily at a patient's home. Spores of dermatophytes are resistant to temperature fluctuations and most detergents, so they remain viable, penetrating into the tissues:

How can I get a nail fungus on my hands?

The defeat of the fingers of the upper limbs occurs a little less often, as the patient notices the illness earlier and her treatment is faster. The main causes of onychomycosis in this case are Candida (yeast fungi). If the pathology starts, they are joined by molds. Infection by these microorganisms occurs in contact-household ways, through the following subjects:

Nail fungus - symptoms

Infection with pathogenic spores is not always obvious, microorganisms are able to mask for other diseases of horny plates and skin. There are several clinical manifestations on which the nail fungus is diagnosed - the signs on the legs:

Symptoms of pathology on the hands:

Medical treatment of nail fungus

Completely get rid of onychomycosis is difficult, because the spores of the pathogen die only at 100 degrees Celsius. Successful treatment of the nail fungus includes a set of measures that involves:

Nail fungus treatment is performed at home, so the patient of the dermatologist needs maximum organization and discipline. Do not interrupt the therapeutic course or finish it before the term recommended by a specialist. Even if all the symptoms of onychomycosis have disappeared, spores can still be present in the horny tissue, and eventually the disease will resume.

Varnishes for the treatment of nail fungus

In the early stages of pathology, when the lesion area is still minimal and the structure of the plates has not changed significantly, it is possible to dispense with sparing local therapy. It consists in the systematic application of varnishes that eliminate onychomycosis - treatment is performed by one of the following means:

Apply varnishes from nail fungus must be long. The course of treatment is at least 6 months and can last 1-2 years. The application of these local preparations is carried out strictly according to the instructions, twice a week or less, depending on the active ingredient. To normalize the appearance of the plates, they are allowed to be coated with a standard cosmetic varnish for individual use.

Ointments from the fungus of nails

The effect of the described group of drugs is more intense. The active components of creams and ointments from onychomycosis penetrate deeply into the horny tissues and destroy the envelope of pathogenic microorganisms, preventing them from multiplying and spreading the spores. With the help of such local remedies, the treatment of nail fungus on the legs and hands, epidermal mycoses around the plates is performed. Presented therapy is often combined with the use of specialized varnishes.

Treatment of nail fungus is carried out with such drugs:

Tablets for the treatment of nail fungus

Chronic and severe forms of onychomycosis with a rapid increase in the affected areas require systemic therapy. Effective treatment of nail fungus in this situation involves taking a course of special pills. This group of medicines prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and the colonization of keratinized surfaces. Effective drugs for the treatment of nail fungus:

Preparations for removing the nail, infected with fungus

During the treatment of the disease in question, it is necessary to permanently remove the dead horn cells infected with spores. Thanks to this procedure, the treatment of nail fungus is faster and more effective, and the plates are easier to restore. It is possible to get rid of the damaged surface by means of its cutting, but beforehand it is necessary to soften the keratinized thickened tissue. The doctor will help pick up the active drug to remove the nail plate and facilitate its removal, for example:

Treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies

Alternatives for therapy doctors recommend to use as supportive measures. Folk remedies for the treatment of nail fungus have a pronounced but short-lived antiseptic effect. They are not effective enough, especially when onychomycosis is neglected, so they are only used to pre-treat contaminated surfaces and shoes.

Treatment of fungus nail vinegar

The causative agents of the described disease are sensitive to an acidic environment. One of the proven methods, how to treat onychomycosis, is the use of natural vinegar or its essence. This product prevents the growth of pathogenic colonies and spread of spores, which deprives microorganisms of nutrients for reproduction. Treatment of nail fungus with vinegar is carried out in several ways.

Antiseptic trays


Preparation and use

  1. Remove the keratinized layers of nails.
  2. Pour the water into the basin.
  3. Add the vinegar.
  4. Put your feet or hands in the solution.
  5. After 15 minutes, dry your nails dry.
  6. Treat affected areas with a prescribed preparation.
  7. Repeat manipulation 3-4 times a week.



Preparation and use

  1. Mix all ingredients until uniform.
  2. Soak a piece of cotton pad with the product.
  3. Apply a compress to the damaged nails, preferably after the bath.
  4. Remove the lotion after 15 minutes.
  5. Carry out the procedure every day for a week.

Treatment of fungus nails with hydrogen peroxide

This solution belongs to highly active antiseptics, therefore it is similarly suitable for the treatment of infected surfaces. Treatment of nail fungus with peroxide is recommended for the initial stages of onychomycosis or small lesions. Hydrogen peroxide can also be used as a prophylaxis for pathology, wiping shoes from within.

Therapeutic baths


Preparation and use

  1. Dissolve the peroxide in water.
  2. Place the feet or palms in the liquid.
  3. Keep the nails in the pelvis 15 minutes with hand injuries and 40 minutes if the legs are infected.
  4. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day.
  5. Therapy last 7-8 days.

After the bath, it is necessary to dry the treated areas and proceed to the next stage of treatment. Cavities formed by exfoliated nails should be poured with undiluted peroxide. On the infected surfaces are applied lotions from cotton discs, impregnated with antiseptic. After 20 minutes compresses should be removed and dried hands or feet with a clean towel.

Treatment of nail fungus soda

The presented product has pronounced softening properties, has a weak antiseptic and drying effect. The treatment of nail fungus with folk methods includes pretreatment of horny plates with soda paste. This simplifies the removal of damaged tissue and ensures high-quality disinfection of the surface.

Therapeutic paste


Preparation and use

  1. First mix the soda with water until a thick, but still friable paste is obtained.
  2. Add lemon juice to the mass.
  3. Distribute the resulting mixture on infected nails.
  4. After 20 minutes, remove the soda paste.
  5. Wipe treated areas with a paper towel.
  6. Repeat the procedure every 2-3 days.

Treatment of nail fungus with iodine

The described preparation is used mainly in pure form. The simplest folk treatment of nail fungus on legs with iodine is lubrication with alcohol tincture (5% concentration) of affected areas. It is important to apply the product solely to the horny plates, it can damage the surrounding skin and cause a chemical burn, which will lead to the spread of spores on the epidermis.

Alternative treatment with iodine fungus nails



  1. For 2 weeks twice a day, lubricate all the nails Fukortsin.
  2. The next 14 days likewise treat them with iodine.
  3. The last half a month to apply only the vinegar solution.

Treatment of nail fungus with laser

Modern medical technologies help to get rid of onychomycosis as quickly and painlessly as possible. Laser treatment of nail fungus allows to destroy the entire mycelium in plates and matrix, without destroying healthy horn cells. In combination with conservative methods of therapy, these manipulations produce the most pronounced effect. Doctors advise at any stage of the pathology to apply laser treatment of the nail fungus - the neglected form of onychomycosis is eliminated in just a few procedures.