Acne on the body - what do rashes on different parts of the skin say?

Eruptions do not always affect the area of ​​the face, a significant number of them can form on any part of the body. Acne on the body not only gives the skin an unaesthetic appearance, but can also cause pain, itching, act as a manifestation of various pathologies. Let's talk about what pimples are, why they appear, and how to get rid of them.

Types of acne on the body

Despite the fact that the skin on the body is more dense and possesses more protective functions than the epidermis, it often forms inflammatory elements. It can be both primary formations in areas of healthy epidermis, and secondary ones - appearing on the site of primary ones in the absence of treatment or under the influence of other negative factors. In this case, acne on the skin differ in appearance: shape, size, color, the presence of content, quantity. Consider some varieties of acne.

Watery pimples on the body

These formations have the form of hemispherical bubbles rising above the skin, located in the tissues of the epidermis and containing a transparent or slightly cloudy liquid inside. Their coloration can have both bodily, and red, pinkish. Water spots on the body can indicate the following pathologies:

  1. Scabies is a skin disease provoked by an itch mite, which initially manifests as itchy rashes in the form of nodules that in the next stage turn into vesicles, often complicated by a bacterial infection.
  2. Shingles is a pathology caused by the activation of the varicella-zoster virus in the body and manifested by multiple acne on the one hand along the nerve trunk, preceded by pink swelling spots.
  3. Pemphigus is a rare, severe autoimmune disease, the symptom of which is a painful, watery rash of various sizes all over the body, rapidly opening and leaving behind erosion.
  4. Dyshydrosis (water carrier) - multiple acne on the body with transparent light contents that itch, open with the formation of painful cracks, the appearance of which is associated with disorders in the endocrine, nervous, digestive system.
  5. Photodermatitis is the reaction of skin tissues to solar radiation, manifested by watery pimples of different sizes against the background of reddening, often accompanied by severe burning and itching.

Red spots on the body

Acne on the body, characterized by a red color, may look like nodules or spots of different sizes. In order to determine the origin of such a rash, it is important to take into account, under the influence of what factors the organism was in recent times, what foods and medications were taken, what other accompanying symptoms. In most cases, this type of rash is associated with the following diseases:

  1. Scabies - if red acne on the body itches, and the intensity of itching intensifies in the evening and at night, this may indicate the defeat of the epidermis with an itch mite, the infection of which often occurs in close direct contact with a sick person.
  2. Allergy - a reaction to external and internal stimuli (food, medicine, dust, synthetic tissues, cosmetics and household chemicals, costume jewelry, etc.).
  3. Syphilis - one of the manifestations of this venereal disease is a chaotically located on the body painless rash, which at different stages may have the form of reddish spots, small pinkish-red or bluish tubercles, dense crimson mounds.
  4. Bacterial meningitis - inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord caused by meningococci, at an early stage, there may appear a bright red nodular rash that protrudes above the skin and does not disappear when pressed.
  5. Infectious endocarditis - this disease affects the tissues of the heart valve and as one of the manifestations can have red pimples that do not pale when pressed, subsequently acquiring a brownish hue.
  6. Hemorrhagic vasculitis is an aseptic inflammation of the walls of the vessels of the skin with multiple microthrombogenesis, which may be a complication of some microbial pathologies.
  7. "Baby" infectious diseases - measles, rubella, scarlet fever, chicken pox.

White pimples on the body

Often, rashes that have a white or whitish-yellow "head" and characterized by soreness, are purulent pimples on the body. Such elements appear in infectious inflammatory processes in tissues, they are filled with turbid exudate, which exits outward when pressed. The appearance of pustular pimples can be caused by such basic factors:

  1. Accession of secondary bacterial infection in case of trauma or improper care for the already existing primary eruptions (pus is formed as a result of the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms).
  2. Folliculitis - inflammation of the hair follicle with the formation of a red speck or a nodule around the hair on the skin, from which a purulent pimple is soon formed.
  3. Furuncle is a purulent-inflammatory formation that encompasses the hair follicle, sebaceous gland and connective tissue site, often caused by the activity of Staphylococcus aureus.
  4. Acne (acne) - pimples on the body, the appearance of which is more associated with excessive fat formation of skin sebaceous glands and violation of the process of keratinization of the epithelium.

Big pimples on the body

Large rashes are often deep, affecting not only the epidermis, but also the lower layers of the skin. Such acne on the body is painful, the tissues around are characterized by swelling, redness. They are required to exercise special care, because with the infectious nature of such acne the probability of the spread of pathogenic microbes in the body is great. After the disappearance of such elements may remain scars, areas of hyperpigmentation.

Small pimples on the body

Appeared small tubercles or specks can not cause less discomfort than large subcutaneous formations, because often small pimples on the body itch, cause dryness or tissue tightness, are dangerous with infection with the development of purulent processes. In addition, a small rash often acts as a manifestation of dangerous and contagious diseases requiring urgent treatment.

Acne on the body - what causes the disease?

Not always by means of a single visual inspection it is possible to determine why acne appears on the body. In many cases, this requires additional studies, including:

Common perpetrators of acne on the body are:

Acne all over the body - reasons

The rash in adults, dispersed over the entire surface of the body, can speak of both infectious and non-infectious pathologies: allergies, blood and vascular diseases, acute and chronic infectious diseases transmitted by contact, airborne, and sexual transmission. On pathology, provoked by microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi), in many cases, indicate general toxification symptoms: an increase in body temperature, weakness, headache, nausea.

Some people have so-called catarrhal acne on the body - inflammatory bright red painful eruptions, affecting various areas of the body, associated with hypothermia, a decrease in immune protection in the autumn-winter period. To the appearance of such pimples are inclined athletes who after intense training take a cold shower.

Pimples on legs

If the rash is localized on the lower extremities, a probable cause may be associated with allergic manifestations. Provoke an inadequate reaction is capable of using a poor-quality detergent, wearing kapron tights, a means for depilation. Often pimples on the legs of women are formed when injuries of the skin during shaving, with ingrown hair. If the rash is present on the feet, in the interdigital zones, this may indicate a dyshidrosis, a fungal lesion.

Acne on the hands

In people with sensitive skin, an allergy in the form of acne on the body, especially on the upper limbs, is a frequent occurrence. In most cases, this is caused by contact with household chemicals, some metals, provoked by exposure to low temperatures, dry air. The localization of rash palms is typical for syphilis, on the hands and between the fingers - for eczema (multiple rashes are prone to fusion).

Pimples on the abdomen

If the acne on the body itches, focusing in the abdomen, it can be a manifestation of scabies, dermatosis, psoriasis, herpesvirus infection. Also, these pimples often indicate an allergic dermatitis caused by the influence of food, drugs, external stimuli. In people who are prone to fullness, pimples on the abdomen often appear in the hot season with excessive perspiration under tight clothes.

Acne on the chest and back

The so-called hormonal acne can be localized in the upper part of the body - acne, associated with the imbalance of sex hormones in the body. In some women, a tendency to such a rash is observed almost throughout life, and the aggravation is associated with the menstrual cycle. Even similar formations in the back and chest area are possible with hypothermia, herpes zoster, psoriasis.

How to get rid of acne on the body?

Since acne on the body appears as a result of a huge number of various factors, many of which can be detected only with a careful specific examination, it is advisable to consult a doctor if any rashes are found. In addition, if the rash has an infectious origin, improper therapy increases the risk of contamination of loved ones and others.

In some cases, the treatment of acne generally may not be necessary - the rash will disappear spontaneously after the treatment of the underlying disease (for example, in the case of measles, chicken pox , rubella). If pimples occur as a result of allergic reactions, it is important to determine the stimulus through skin tests and limit contact with it, as a result of which rashes will stop appearing. A huge role in this is played by the observance of a healthy hypoallergenic diet, normalization of the psychoemotional state.

With dermatological diseases, acne on the body is treated in a complex way - using local and systemic medicines, physiotherapy methods, adjusting lifestyle and hygiene rules. Infectious lesions necessarily require the appointment of antibacterial drugs, antifungal or antiviral agents, external antiseptics.

Remedy for acne on the body

Depending on the type and etiology of rashes on the skin, medicinal products with anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, drying, disinfecting action can be prescribed. Often the use of antihistamines, topical corticosteroids is required. What ointment from acne on the body will have the best effect, the expert will be able to tell, and we will consider a list of external means, which are often assigned with similar problems: