Chicken pox in adults

Chicken pox is an acute disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets. The causative agent is the virus Varicella-zoster. This disease develops already at the first contact with the causative agent of infection, which is characterized by high contagiousness and prevalence. Therefore, in most cases, the disease occurs in children, and they are well tolerated by them, requiring a minimum of medical measures.

Quite a different situation is observed when a man becomes an adult with chickenpox, who was avoided by the infection in childhood. The fact is that in adults chicken pox has more severe symptoms and is often accompanied by complications. Often, adults fall ill when an infected child is in the house.

Symptoms of chicken pox in adults

The incubation period of the disease in most cases is 11-21 days. Then comes the period of nonspecific signs of chickenpox, which in adults lasts about two days. During this period of time the following manifestations are observed:

Then follows the period of the main manifestations of the disease, namely, the itching rash on the skin begins to appear. Its localization can be different - back, abdomen, arms, legs, head, neck. The number of lesions can be up to several hundred.

The rash initially resembles mosquito bites and represents pink spots up to 4 mm in diameter, which after a few hours are transformed into papules. Some papules become single-cell vesicles filled with clear liquid contents.

In a day or two, the three vesicles dry out, and dark crusts remain in their place, which are gradually discarded. At the same time, rashes can appear on the mucous membranes in the form of vesicles, which quickly become ulcers. The period of rashes lasts about 3 - 9 days. In this case, a person is contagious throughout the disease and within 5 days after the appearance of the last element of the rash.

Complications of chicken pox in adults

The development of adverse effects of chickenpox in adults is associated with the spread of the process, the defeat of internal organs, the attachment of a secondary infection. Most often there are such dangerous complications:

Treatment of varicella in adults

Treatment of uncomplicated forms of the disease - symptomatic, with the use of drugs such groups:

In the period of fever, you should observe bed rest, a rational diet, and drink more liquid. Sometimes prescribed antiviral drugs, drugs interferon. Rashes are treated with external drugs with antimicrobial and antipruritic effect (brilliant greens, fucorcin, etc.). Water procedures are limited.

Chicken pox in adults repeatedly

In patients with chicken pox, immunity is developed, and the repeated development of the disease is impossible. However, the virus Varicella-zoster at the second meeting with the body can cause another disease - shingles. It is also possible with the activation of a virus that remains in the body in a latent state.

Prevention of varicella in adults

Adults who do not have immunity to the chickenpox virus are advised to get vaccinated against this disease in order to avoid possible complications. In the CIS countries, two types of vaccines are used - "Varilrix" and "Okavaks".