Motilium - indications for use

Motilium is a drug that affects the stomach and intestinal system, helping to cope with a variety of ailments. It allows to improve intestinal motility, to eliminate vomiting, nausea and other problems caused by a malfunction in the stomach.

Indications for the use of various forms of Motilium

The drug is produced in the form of tablets, both simple and lingual, and in the form of a suspension. Adults are advised to drink tablets, other forms are used to treat children.

The presence of many useful substances makes it possible to take medicine for the therapy of various pathologies caused by abnormal GIT. Taking medication is prescribed in such cases:

  1. As a symptomatic composition in diseases of the upper stomach, accompanied by vomiting and nausea, including radiation therapy, infections and endoscopy of the stomach .
  2. With dyspeptic disorders, the cause of which is complicated gastric emptying, esophagitis, as well as reflux.
  3. A drug is prescribed for nausea caused by the use of dopamine agonists in Parkinson's disease, vomiting triggered by radiation therapy, drug use, and non-compliance with the diet.

Motilium also found its use in:

Indications for the use of Motilium tablets

The drug activates the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, speeds up emptying and is recommended for various food problems.

In the event of a malfunction in the digestive process, Motilium uses one tablet for half an hour before a meal (three times a day). If there is vomiting, then the dose is doubled.

How to take Motilium?

In various cases, the use of Motilium, the methods of its application and dose will be different. In the form of a suspension, prescribe the medicine to children of 2.5 ml for every ten kilograms of the patient's weight. The total number of receptions per day should not be more than three. If necessary, the doctor increases the dose, but the total amount of medication per day should not be more than 80 ml.

If a digestive disorder is accompanied by vomiting, then a Motilium suspension is prescribed, which for adults means taking twenty milliliters of medication four times a day. Duration of treatment is determined by the doctor depending on the patient's condition.

Side effect of the drug

With regard to side effects, the most pronounced are:

Much spasms of the musculature of the face, muscular hypertonia, protrusion of the tongue, which after the withdrawal of the medicine, are much less often observed.

Uncontrolled use of Motilium in excessive amounts causes the appearance of symptoms of an overdose. These include drowsiness and disorientation, which are most often encountered in the treatment of children. Noticing such signs, it is important immediately to stop treatment with this remedy.

Contraindications to the use of Motilium

For individual groups of individuals, the use of the facility may be prohibited. Contraindications to taking Motilium are: