The knee hurts during flexion and extension

The biggest burden in our body is on the legs, the knee joint suffers most. It does not matter whether a person is engaged in sports or is far from physical exercises. Often, orthopedic patients complain that they have a knee pain when flexing and flexing, especially when climbing stairs or trying to sit down. Also there are additional unpleasant symptoms - crunching, puffiness, aggravation of mobility of the joint.

Why do knees ache during flexion and extension?

The most probable causes of this problem are injuries or ruptures of ligaments, damage to tendons and menisci, fractures. They can provoke the development of inflammatory processes in the knee joint, which are accompanied by acute pain in any attempts of flexion and extension.

Other diseases with symptoms:

  1. Osteochondropathy of the tibial tuberosity. Also, this pathology is called Osgood-Schlatter disease, it is often diagnosed in runners. At rest, the knee does not hurt.
  2. Bursitis. The disease is provoked by infections, traumas, is characterized not only by pain, but also by reddening of the skin, swelling, accumulation of exudate in the joint.
  3. Synovitis. The described clinical manifestations arise against the background of an infectious inflammation of the synovium, a large volume of fluid is present in the joint cavity.
  4. Tendonitis. The disease is an inflammatory process in the knee ligaments, usually observed with mechanical injuries. Discomfort in the state of rest is not felt.
  5. Rheumatological pathologies. These include systemic vasculitis, lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, gout, rheumatism.

Why does the knee ache and crunches when flexing the extension?

If these signs are supplemented with an audible crunch, the possible causes may be the following diseases:

What to do if the knees ache during flexion and what to treat them?

Given the above information, the factors that cause such clinical manifestations are too many for attempts to independently diagnose the diagnosis. Therefore, it is so important to consult a specialist when the knee hurts when bending - the treatment should be designed by the doctor in accordance with the identified diseases or joint injuries.

All that can be done at home is limited to temporary relief of the pain syndrome and a decrease in the intensity of the inflammatory processes. For this purpose, the following drugs are suitable:

The use of funds for internal reception can be combined with the application of local non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This will quickly remove the pain syndrome, irritation of the skin and soft tissues, eliminate puffiness and bruises.

It is important to note that before visiting the orthopedist, it is strictly recommended not to warm up the diseased knees by any means. In the presence of bacterial inflammation, such actions are fraught with plentiful suppuration in the joint cavities and worsening of the pathology. Ultimately, this "therapy" can provoke serious complications, as well as lead to the need for surgical intervention.