How to forget your beloved?

Sometimes life is unpredictable and, in our play, quite unexpectedly for us, changes the plot of the main characters. It would seem that only yesterday your beloved man was faithfully looking at you, promised to love for the rest of his days, but how to forget now that you are an abandoned woman. It is likely that now you do not understand where to find strength, to live on, to create and again to love someone. And the hardest thing to understand is what needs to be done to forget the man with whom so much has been connected.

Life goes on

It is foolish to refute the fact that the loss of love, parting with a lover, strikes a serious blow to the mental state of a person. It is capable for long time, months, years to dull feelings of happiness, love, fencing off from vitally bright colors. But it is important to remember that there is a scheme that helps to cope with the tragedy of parting. We bring to your attention the advice of a psychologist who will help to open your second breath, and you will understand how to forget your beloved man.

  1. Freud wrote that it is very important "to tear off psychic energy from a loved one, but now a lost object." But it is impossible to come out of the ocean of disappointments and grief, without giving himself up to insane waves. Therefore, Rule # 1 on the road to a better life without him, your lover, is to allow yourself to be sad, grieve, remembering the very best and worst that was between you. Remember all that they wanted to say, but they did not dare. Believe me, it's better to release your emotions than to hide them somewhere in the depth of your essence. Sooner or later they will make themselves felt, but it may happen that this appearance will not be on time.
  2. "How to forget a man after parting, especially if the feelings have not cooled to him?" - this question sets a huge number of women. But there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, in every situation there is an exit. Therefore, when the first sharpness of the loss of the object of love subsides, become ruthless and free yourself from all those photographs, things that belonged to him. If the categorically the hand does not rise to destroy all this, pack it and send it all to the one who broke off your relationship. Deny yourself to go to his social pages. Break off the connection with your common acquaintances. There is no guarantee that this will be given to you easily. But, believe me, when the connection with the material values ​​of your memory about the former lover disappears, you will be ready to continue to live in a new way.
  3. Psychologists refer to the third stage of liberation from old feelings and emotions, the phase of "Separation." This is due to the fact that from now on in your mind there are two life streams - one that was with the one you loved and the present, without it. Once in an instant you, surprisingly to yourself, will understand that you can without pain in your heart, look back. When this happens, you will no longer be the main hero of your past, but only an observer, the guardian of memories. But not anymore.
  4. It is not excluded that you will consider options such as "And if I still call him?". Throw away "if-suddenly." Run away from them away. Never see it. Continue to go forward without turning back.

It is important to note that psychologists strongly recommend, after a heavy loss, parting not to build new relationships with the goal of turning your partner, let's say, into a "plaster" of your mental wound. These relationships will not have a happy ending. You will be able to quickly forget your favorite man, but as soon as you allow the soul to relax, rethink what happened, gain experience and become stronger. Everything takes time. But do not forget that each person needs a different time interval for each of them: someone for a couple of months, and someone only in a year will feel like a renewed personality.