Spider bite

On vacation or at home no one is immune from such a problem as a spider bite. The main difficulty in providing first aid is that after the incident it is difficult to determine the type of arthropod and take appropriate measures.

Spider bite

This kind of creature, in any case, allocates a certain amount of poison when bitten. This is a natural mechanism designed for both protection and obtaining food. Most spiders inject poison into the victim's body with neurotoxins, which cause paralysis of the nervous system.

Spider bite - symptoms

Immediately during the bite may be felt a slight short-term pain, as after a prick with a thin needle. A small white spot with pinkish or red edges appears immediately at the lesion site.

Subsequent symptoms of spider bite:

For bites of various types of spiders, there are specific features that will be considered below in more detail.

Spider bite - bite

The name of this arthropod was obtained because of the drawing on the abdomen in the form of a cross. Its poison with epeirotokisnym not dangerous to human life and health, but can cause discomfort for several days.

The place of bite is surrounded by a spot of pink or reddish hue, in the center there is a slight swelling. As a rule, no special medical measures are required, the poison will be completely eliminated from the body in 24 hours. You can apply special ointments to relieve swelling and inflammation.

Spider's Bite

Usually such creatures do not bite, they live in hard-to-reach places and are not at all aggressive. There are several species of house spiders, but the spread is mostly black, they have a small size.

The bite of the examined arthropod can lead to a small edema and a tolerable pain syndrome, no more. To remove symptoms, it is recommended to apply something cold or compresses with cool water to the place of injury.

Bite of a Tarantula Spider

The presented type of spiders is very popular in home breeding, accordingly, its bites are not dangerous to humans, basically, it does not even release poison. The only problem may be the risk of infection by pathogenic bacteria of the injury site.

A bite of a hermit's spider

Unlike the above-described subspecies of spiders, the hermit is very dangerous. It is small in size and has a characteristic pattern on the upper part of the body in the form of a violin.

The hermit's bite is almost imperceptible, and the symptoms begin to appear noticeably only on the second day. Among them there are dense formations under the skin, which swell. Itching, seals begin to ulcerate, and the surrounding tissues - die. Necrosis develops so quickly that it affects even the muscles and deep layers of the skin. In some cases, spider venom affects the kidneys, the nervous system and can lead to death.

What should I do if I bite a hermit spider?

It should be noted that the hermit bite necessarily requires the introduction of an antidote, so you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Spider bite black widow

Perhaps, this is the most dangerous spider, especially females. Karakurt is painted black, on the abdomen there is a bright red mark. This arthropod is released at the bite by a strong neurotoxic poison, which quickly paralyzes the nervous system, leads to necrosis of soft tissues and gangrene.

Saving the victim is possible only in a medical institution by injecting an antidote.