Crushing stones in the kidneys

Urolithiasis refers to one of the most common kidney diseases. In the event that stones can not be removed, they can grow, causing a micturition, the development of infection of the kidneys, pyelonephritis and other complications. A common method of treatment is the crushing (lithotripsy) of stones with their subsequent excretion.

Ultrasound crushing of stones

At the moment it is considered the most common way to get rid of kidney stones, and consists in breaking the stone into fragments, by impacting a shock wave of a very short duration. As a rule, this method is used for stones up to 2 cm.

The procedure can be either remote or contact. Advantages of the remote method is that it does not require surgical intervention and is painless.

Determination of the exact location of the stone and its destruction is performed by means of ultrasonic pulses. Shards of stones are removed from the body, through the urinary canals, independently. To negative consequences of this method, it is possible to attribute the probability of the formation of sharp fragments that can injure the mucous membrane of the organs and cause severe pain. In addition, not all stones can be destroyed by this method. With contact crushing, the location of the stone is fixed by ultrasound, and then a small incision is made in the kidney area through which the nephroscope is inserted. The stone is crushed, and its fragments are removed. The operation refers to closed-type operations, but is performed under general or spinal anesthesia. This type of crushing is carried out only in a hospital environment, but the operation is not considered complex and the patient is discharged from the hospital after 3-4 days.

The ultrasonic method is limited if the stones are more than 2 cm in size, and in the case of particularly dense concrements it may require several sessions.

Stone crushing with laser

A more modern method, however, like ultrasonic crushing, lithotripsy can be carried out remotely or by contact method. One of the main advantages of the laser method is that it can remove stones of any size or shape.

The contactless method is used for stones up to 20 mm in size, and requires a high level of professionalism from the doctor who conducts the procedure, since the shock wave must be directed very accurately. With contact crushing, through the urethral canal and ureter, an endoscope (actually a thin tube) is inserted. After the endoscope has reached the stone, the laser turns on and destroys it practically into dust, which is excreted from the body along with the urine. The advantages of this method are that there is no risk of forming sharp fragments, the procedure does not leave scars, is practically painless, and is effective for stones of any size.

Crushing stones with folk remedies

Folk remedies cause not so much the fragmentation of stones, as their dissolution, reduction and prevent the emergence of new ones.

  1. Radish juice is considered an effective means against the formation of stones. It should be drunk for two weeks, one tablespoon three times a day. Radish juice is contraindicated when ulcers, gastritis, inflammation of the kidneys.
  2. Flax seeds. 1 cup of crushed flax seeds mixed with 3 cups of milk and simmer until the amount of liquid is reduced by 3 times. Drink one glass a day, for 5 days.
  3. A tablespoon of sponges, pour a glass (200 ml) of hot water and insist for 2 hours in a thermos. Drink three times a day before meals, a third cup.


Virtually all drugs used to treat kidney stones are a mixture of herbal extracts of various herbs. These drugs include kanefron, phytolysin, cystone, cystenal.