Growing Radish in the Greenhouse

Radish - a favorite by many and very useful vegetable. It contains protein, a large number of mineral salts, enzymes and vitamins. A special piquant taste and a pleasant aroma of radish is added to the mustard oils contained in the product. To obtain a rich harvest of radish, the cultivation of the crop is organized in a greenhouse. Information on how to grow a radish in a greenhouse, you will find in this article.

When to plant radish in a greenhouse?

It is quite natural to ask the vegetable growers who decided to cultivate such a useful and tasty vegetable: when to plant radish in the greenhouse? In principle, in a heated greenhouse, the culture can be grown all year round. But it is usually recommended to plant radish in a greenhouse for autumn-winter use - in September, for early spring harvest - from early February to late April. At the same time, the maturation period depends on the time of planting: when planting in February, the root crop is formed in 45 days, in March it takes 35 days, and in April - 25 days. In unheated hotbeds, sowing can be carried out when the soil becomes soft by 3 to 5 cm. In the average climatic zone this is usually the end of March - the beginning of April.

Planting radish in the greenhouse

For spring planting the land is prepared from autumn. It is preferable to grow radish on neutral soils, since the acidic medium does not have the best effect on the vegetation of the crop. Compromised earth should be fertilized with compost. Before sowing, digging and leveling of the soil is carried out.

The quality of the seed material is of great importance for obtaining an abundant harvest. It is necessary to choose fairly large seeds with a fraction of at least 2.4 mm. For cultivation, the radish grades intended for greenhouses are best suited for cultivation: "Warta", "Rowa", "Silesia", "Helro", "Dawn", "Early Red", etc. (information on this is certainly contained on a sachet of seeds ). These varieties are intended for obtaining an early radish crop in a greenhouse. In order to calculate the consumption of seed material, it should be noted that 1 m² is needed for 5 g. The selected seeds are sieved through a sieve with 2 mm cells. To reduce the likelihood of infection, the seed material is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Radish is sown by hand, trying to do it evenly, so that in the future there is no need to thin out. The radish planting scheme is as follows: between seeds - 1.5 - 2 cm, between rows - not less than 6 cm, depth of closing - 1 cm.

Radish care in the greenhouse

Germination of seeds occurs even at a temperature of +2 ... + 4 degrees, the culture even tolerates light frosts to -4 degrees. But the optimum temperature is +16 ... +20 degrees. After the appearance of mass shoots, the room of the greenhouse is cooled to +6 ... + 8 degrees, so that there is no excessive stretching of the shoots. This temperature regime is maintained for 4 days. Further, a temperature of +15 ... + 21 degrees is needed in the daytime, and approximately +10 degrees at night. In this case, you can not worry if the temperature goes down. It is quite permissible to decrease to -5 degrees.

To protect the culture from pests, plantings are treated with a mixture of wood ash and tobacco dust taken in equal proportions. If the seedlings are too thick, then it is desirable to thin out, so that the distance between the plants is 2 - 3 cm. Too dense root arrangement and leaf shading is the cause of fruit grinding.

Watering is carried out depending on the drying out of the earth, usually it occurs in about 2 to 3 days. When drying, root crops become coarse, and if the dried radish is poured with water, it will crack. You can mulch a thin layer of humus or peat to reduce the volatility of the soil. After each irrigation procedure, it is recommended that ventilation be carried out so that the culture does not fall ill with a black leg. 1 - 2 times during cultivation, nitrogen fertilizers 25 g / m² are introduced.

Advice : in summer it is desirable to cover the greenhouse with a dark film in the evenings, because if the light day exceeds 12 hours, then flower stems are formed, and the quality of the crop decreases.