How to sleep for 5 minutes?

During sleep, a person restores his strength and gets rid of the worries accumulated for the whole day. For different age groups, the duration of sleep may vary. For example, in children and adolescents, it should last 10 hours, for an adult person - 8 hours, and the elderly people replenish their strength in just 6 hours.

But to date, many people suffer from insomnia, which can result in a nervous breakdown and a feeling of chronic fatigue. The causes of sleep disorders can be not only frequent stresses , but also heart problems, hunger, a sense of pain, colds, the taking of certain medications and external noise.

To prevent the emergence of insomnia, you should stop using sweet and salty foods before bed, and try to exclude from the diet fatty foods, invigorating drinks and foods high in protein. It is necessary to try to limit the time spent at the computer and TV. To interfere with a night sleep can also emotional conversations and long daytime sleep. Unfortunately, we do not always have the opportunity to take preventive measures, sometimes simply lying in bed does not get to sleep. In this situation, it becomes necessary to use the techniques that have been worked out, which explain how to fall asleep in 5 minutes.

How to fall asleep in 5 minutes?

You can quickly fall asleep without even resorting to the help of professionals and medical products, enough to tire yourself with physical activity. Fatigue during the day is an excellent means, as quickly as possible to fall asleep. For many people, a boring book helps a lot from insomnia, after a few paragraphs the eyes begin to close themselves. An excellent remedy for insomnia is a soothing bath with the addition of sea salt, herbs and a few drops of essential oil.

To understand how quickly to fall asleep at night, it is important to have a clear schedule of sleep and wakefulness. It is necessary to accustom your body to lie down and get up at the same time, then the biological clock will become another tool that will help you fall asleep quickly.

Going to bed, do not think about how quickly to fall asleep, it is better to think about something pleasant and immerse yourself in a world of dreams. The solution of all problems will wait until the morning, do not scroll in the head of the report for a scientific conference or information on the next exam. Help to fall asleep can a small amount of alcohol, but it is worth considering that these drinks significantly impair the quality of sleep.

The answer to the question, what can be done to fall asleep quickly, is also in folk medicine. Helps for a good sleep a glass of yogurt or milk, as well as tea, brewed from chamomile, dill, peppermint and a root of valerian. Promotes sweet and pleasant sleep using peanuts, tuna and turkey.

A good role in a strong and good sleep is played by a comfortable pillow and a hard enough mattress. The bedroom should be well ventilated and have tight curtains that will not let a bright light into the room.

How quickly to fall asleep in the afternoon?

A short daytime sleep lasting up to 15 minutes will benefit the body, improving memory and allowing you to switch. Longer sleep during the day can prevent a quick sleep in the evening, so a person suffering from insomnia is better not to indulge in a daytime sleep. If the need for sleep during the day is caused by shift work, then the body simply needs to recover from the night shift. It is important to create the most comfortable conditions for sleep. It is necessary to reduce lighting, not to eat too much and try to protect yourself from noise. For these purposes, you can use a mask on the eyes and earplugs.