Cabbage caviar - caloric content

Zucchini is one of the pumpkin subspecies that came to us from far-away Mexico, along with other, now ordinary, but at the time, completely exotic foods - potatoes, tomatoes, corn and sweet pepper. Zucchini, even more than its other "companions", conquered the hearts of Europeans with its unpretentiousness and yield. Now in Europe it is known as zucchini (a small pumpkin), and in Mexico it is affectionately called zapatillos largas (long slippers). Breeders brought out a lot of varieties of courgette, different in color and weight, in eastern Europe the most popular - white zucchini.

Zucchini can be cut into wedges, roll in eggs and flour, fry in oil and then get a super-nutritious and nutritious dish, but today we'll talk about zucchini caviar, whose caloric content is much lower than the above-mentioned incarnations of the original product. This offspring of the domestic agro industry appeared on our shelves as far back as the 30s of the 20th century and never disappeared from these counters, having undeservedly received in the people a contemptuous nickname - "the grocery company of the deli". However, the simplicity and accessibility of squash caviar maintains its popularity even today, when there is already plenty to choose from.

How many calories are in caviar?

If the energy value of raw zucchini is about 25 kcal, then calorie content of squash from 80-100 kcal, depending on the recipe. At the same time, the finished product contains vitamins A, B, C, PP and others. Especially a lot of vitamins A and C. Among the minerals - almost the entire periodic table (in the good sense of the word). There is iron, calcium , magnesium, zinc, and boron, you will not list everything. This we so subtly hint that a diet on squash may not be just a weight loss, but also a real healing.

In the store it is worth buying only proven, autumn eggs from reliable producers, having a characteristic homogeneous color, or even better making it yourself. There are many recipes for different tastes, but it is reliable and not difficult, while you will regulate the energy content of the product.

Cucumber caviar with losing weight

For a diet, squash caviar is quite suitable. The most radical way is grind fresh, tender (very young!) fruits, and after having seasoned this stuffing, eat 100 grams each morning with dill and parsley . The calorie content of this home-cooked caviar, this salted salmon, will be only 18 (!) Kcal. This recipe is very popular among lovers to lose weight in Slovenia and Croatia.

But still, it's not really caviar. And the usual caviar is recommended for dieticians to use in a warm form, as a side dish to low-fat dishes (for example, chicken breast or veal) for one week. This simple unloading diet will allow you to lose a few extra pounds, while maintaining the nutritional balance and increase the tone.