Products useful to the heart

Every year the number of people with heart problems increases. To avoid such diseases, it is recommended to include in your diet healthy foods for the heart.

Scientific experiments

Scientists have proved that food, which includes quercetin, helps reduce the risk of problems with the cardiovascular system. These include onions, wine and apples. In addition, omega-3 fatty acids favorably affect the work of the heart, which lower the cholesterol level and improve the vascular state. Most of them in seafood.

What foods are good for the heart and blood vessels?

To reduce the risk of developing diseases and improve heart function, it is recommended that you include in your diet such foods:

  1. Oat groats . It consists of potassium and omega-3, as well as fiber, which helps reduce cholesterol in the blood and improve the condition of blood vessels. It is very important to choose grits of coarse grinding.
  2. Salmon and salmon . These foods are healthy for the heart and help to normalize the pressure, enough to eat only 3 meals a week. With regular consumption of salmon, blood coagulability can be improved and the risk of a heart attack can be reduced.
  3. Citrus fruits . In these most useful products for the heart contains ascorbic acid, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol and the risk of developing thrombosis. Separately it is necessary to allocate a grapefruit in which the glycosides, positively affecting the work of the heart, as well as vitamin P, which increases the elasticity of the vessels, are contained.
  4. Avocado . This fruit is simply irreplaceable for the heart, as it helps to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol. There are enzymes in this product that promote faster absorption of carotenoids, which also favorably affect the activity of the heart.
  5. Pomegranate . There are substances in this fruit that improve blood circulation and activate blood formation, and also they lower the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  6. Olive oil . It is deservedly included in the list of products useful for the work of the heart, as it contains a large number of monounsaturated fats, which effectively fight cholesterol plaques and thus counteract the obstruction of blood vessels. These properties have an oil that has been subjected to minimal treatment.
  7. Nuts . Scientists in Britain have proved that pistachios favorably affect the activity of the cardiovascular system, since they contain a substance that favorably affects the cholesterol metabolism in the body. Other nuts are also useful, since they contain omega-3.
  8. Berries . These products are useful for the work of the heart, because they contain anti-inflammatory substances that greatly reduce the risk of heart disease. For example, in blueberries and grapes, and, consequently, in wine, there is an antioxidant that has the ability to stimulate cholesterol metabolism in the body.

Helpful Tips

It is very important to know not only what is good for the heart, but also how to use these foods. To get the maximum effect, you need to observe some rules:

  1. Completely eliminate from your diet food with preservatives.
  2. Choose the most natural products and only from trusted suppliers.
  3. Cooking useful foods for the heart should be steamed, baked or extinguished.
  4. Refuse from consumption or limit to a minimum salt and sugar.
  5. Adhere to proper nutrition and exercise regularly.