Aktivia - good and bad

The reason for the favorable impact of the products of Activia is unique living bacteria, specially developed in the laboratories of Danone. And what about it say nutritionists and experts in healthy nutrition - later in our article.

The advertising company of the manufacturer of milk delicacies Danone is based on the exceptional usefulness and naturalness of the products. Yoghurts Aktivia is given special attention, because in its composition there are specially eaten cultures of living bacteria, which according to the plan should regulate the work of the intestinal tract and digestion as a whole. That is, these products should provide therapeutic healing effect and promote weight loss. Nevertheless, there is a constant debate about the benefits and dangers of Activia.

Benefit and harm of bio-yogurt Aktivia according to experts

To understand this issue, first consider the declared composition of the product:

At a detailed review of the components of the Actives do not look as attractive as in the commercial. First, it is incomprehensible for what purpose in the yogurt is added so much water. Secondly, for the declared benefit of the bio-yogurt Activia for weight loss, it contains too much sugar. Thirdly, the presence of modified starch, milk powder, flavors and colorants also raise great doubts about the usefulness of this product.

Live sour-milk products retain their properties and benefits during the week, Aktivia has a much longer shelf life - 1 month. The manufacturer's statements that the bifidobacteria bred by them are more stable, unfortunately, are not confirmed by anything. The same can be noted in considering the benefits and harm of curd Asset.

It can not be said that using Aktivia, you will do yourself harm, but it is not worth waiting for miracles of healing and losing weight. Much more benefit can be obtained from natural kefir with the addition of fresh or frozen fruits.