Basal temperature after ovulation, if fertilization has occurred

A graph of basal temperature is led by many girls who dream of pregnancy. If scrupulously to record the values ​​obtained, after 3 or slightly more months, it is possible to state with relative certainty when the girl has an ovulatory period, since at this time there is a noticeable jump in basal temperature.

Having thus revealed the moment most favorable for sexual relations with the spouse, girls and women make a lot of efforts to hear the coveted phrase "You are pregnant!" As soon as possible. Continuing to lead the same schedule, the future mother can at the earliest possible date find out about her "interesting" position. In this article, we will tell you what happens to the basal temperature after ovulation in the case of fertilization, and how to determine that a new life has arisen in your tummy.

Basal temperature in the first days after conception

Changes in basal temperature during fertilization of the egg allow some women to suspect their "interesting" situation a few days before the result of a special pregnancy test is positive. Since the value of basal temperature directly depends on the level of the hormone progesterone in the body of a woman, it is one of the first that reacts to the fact that fertilization has occurred.

Often, girls are interested in when the basal temperature rises after conception, and look forward to increasing its indicators by several units. In fact, this should not be. Conversely, if the conception has occurred, the basal temperature in most cases remains at the same level as it was in the ovulatory period, or slightly increases, but does not decrease any more.

If in this menstrual cycle a happy event does not come , about a week before the next monthly values ​​of this indicator begin to decline and reach their minimum on the day preceding the appearance of bloody discharge.

At conception, the basal temperature is recommended to continue measuring for several weeks, as its values ​​help to understand whether the pregnancy that has occurred is normal. Normally, due to the high level of progesterone in the blood of the expectant mother, its basal temperature should not fall below 37.0-37.2 degrees. If, after fertilization, there is a decrease in indices, this is the reason to suspect the fading of the fetus.