Sinusitis in pregnancy

Every woman who is preparing to become a mother, immunity is weakened, and protective resources are redirected to ensure the formation and bearing of the fetus. At this time, the pregnant woman becomes an accessible target for numerous infectious diseases. Unfortunately, the genyantritis, a dangerous inflammatory process of the accessory maxillary sinuses of the nose, does not stand aside either.

Genyantritis in pregnancy first manifests itself in the form of restless sleep, slightly stuffy nose and aching headaches. If such symptoms are manifested, it is better to take preventive measures for the treatment of respiratory diseases immediately, since it is rather difficult to treat sinusitis during pregnancy because of the specific condition of the woman. It is better to carry out preventive complexes in advance to prevent the disease: harden with cold or contrast shower, increase the level of immunity with the help of vitamins rich in vegetables, fruits and berries, walk in parks and squares, and also allow sunlight to touch your skin.

What can cause a sinusitis in a future mother?

In order to avoid the occurrence of sinusitis and its rather dangerous complications, it is necessary to know the reasons that it can provoke:

Foci of sinusitis are located near the vessels of the brain, eye sockets and the main neural bundles, so the occurrence of infection in such places is extremely dangerous! The question of whether the genyantritis is dangerous during pregnancy for specialists is not at all, because of its obviousness. Unfortunately, very often sluggish catarrhal disease with the full connivance of the carrier can go to chronic sinusitis. And in pregnancy, this situation is complicated by the fact that the treatment can not include the use of antibiotics, which are prescribed in ordinary cases for the removal of any inflammatory process.

If still a diagnosis is made, the question arises, how to treat sinusitis in pregnancy?

In order to remove the puffiness of the mucous membranes, it is desirable for women to apply the washing of the nasal cavities with all sorts of antiseptic herbal and saline solutions. You can also use local antibiotics as aerosols for symptomatic treatment, seeking dilution of the contents of the nasal sinuses. In extreme cases, a puncture (puncture) is performed, a rather radical and painful surgical method for treating maxillary sinuses. Despite the complexity of the performance and dislike of patients for this procedure - the effect of puncture is very high.

What consequences of maxillary sinusitis can expect a pregnant woman?

What can lead to chronic sinusitis in pregnancy? Consequences can be very sad, because the neglected phase of this disease can lead to the development of myocarditis, deep damage to the renal pelvis and rapid meningitis. To diagnose a genyantritis is simple enough. Often enough to conduct a routine radiography and an accurate diagnosis by a qualified specialist will be easily delivered. However, a visit to the X-ray room of a pregnant woman is strictly prohibited. Therefore, use other methods of diagnosis - research on the thermal imager, diaphanoscopy (diagnosis by a directional beam of light) and classical ultrasound of the nasal sinuses.

From all the above, it follows a simple conclusion that such a disease is better not to prevent and prevent at the very beginning of its occurrence.