How to marinate ribs?

Pork ribs , beef or mutton are the part of carcasses that can be fried on a barbecue, baked in an oven or stewed in a deep frying pan. For cooking by any of these methods it will be better to marinate the ribs before cooking.

Tell you how you can marinate ribs, so they turned out delicious. This article is about liquid marinades, in which it is necessary to immerse ribs completely or to coat them (this method is suitable for marinating for no more than 8 hours on the shelf of the refrigerator).

Marinades can be made from a variety of foods that will give the meat its tastes and flavors. When marinating, fermentation of meat occurs, during which, in some ways, its structure is modified, it becomes more tender and juicy. It should be noted that marinades can be conditionally divided into "fast" and "slow". The more aggressive the components that make up the marinade, the faster it acts. On average, the optimal time for finding meat in the marinade is from 2 hours to 3 days (if longer than 4 hours, then in the refrigerator, of course). The contents of the container, in which marinaded ribs are located, should be stirred periodically. Before marinating, the ribs need to be cut into segments. Marinating is best in containers closed with lids (glass, enameled, ceramic, in extreme cases, plastic).

Marinade from beer

Pork ribs can be marinated in light beer (preferably live and fresh). Picking time is optional (see above). If you grill on a grate, you can sprinkle with a beer or strained sauce, which was formed during pickling. Beer marinade, by the way, will provide caramelization of the ribs at the end of the roasting process on the grill. In the beer you can add dry ground ginger, seeds of caraway, fennel, cloves of carnation and mustard.

Marinade from wine

Beef or mutton ribs can be marinated in a home unsusfied pink or red wine, and pork - in white or pink. In marinades based on wine, you can add chopped garlic, fresh fresh herbs, red hot pepper, and dried ground spices at your discretion or in the form of ready-made mixtures (for example, a mix of hops-suneli). In this marinade, the ribs can be kept for up to 3 days. For pickling beef or veal ribs, it is better not to use sage, thyme and mint - these herbs are suitable only for marinating lamb. In slow marinades it is not necessary to add onions - it will give meat a specific not very pleasant smell, but, in "fast" marinades (working no more than 4-5 hours), the presence of onions is quite acceptable.

Flower honey in marinades is better not to add - when heated, harmful compounds are formed in it. If you want to achieve caramelization, it is better to add a little sugar to the marinade.

Marinade from tomato paste

Very quickly, you can marinate ribs in marinade based on tomato paste, it only needs to be diluted with water to the consistency of thick yogurt. In the diluted tomato we add spices, garlic greens. In a closed container in a tomato marinade, ribs or meat for shish kebab can be stored on the shelf of the refrigerator for up to 5 days, only the meat should be completely immersed in the marinade. Tomato marinade is suitable for all kinds of meat. After fermentation in the tomato marinade, immediately before the preparation of the ribs, it is best to rinse with cold water and dry with a napkin.

Marinated citrus fruit

Tasty will turn out a barbecue of pork ribs if marinated in citrus juices (or a mixture of them, for example, an orange with lime and lemon) with the addition of chopped garlic and fresh ginger root, juniper berries, as well as cilantro and other fragrant herbs and their seeds. You can add kiwi slices and soy sauce to the marinade - you will get a marinade in Pan-Asian style. Instead of or together with citrus juices, freshly squeezed sweet and sour juices of any other fruit (for example, plums, cherries, red currant berries, etc.) can be used.

Marinade from kefir

You can tasty marinade ribs in a mixture of yogurt or unsweetened yogurt with the addition of a ready-made curry mixture - this marinade in Indian-Pakistani style is especially good for lamb, goat and pork.