How to store horseradish?

Many people are looking forward to the autumn season to harvest a horse-radish crop and store it for the winter, and then make a delicious seasoning. But do you know that not all plants are suitable for this purpose? After all, it is best to dig up the rhizomes, whose age is about 3 years, while their surface must be necessarily light, even and with a white cut. As for the storage itself, there are several ways. We will now tell you how to store the root of horseradish at home, and you choose for yourself the most optimal.

How to store horseradish at home?

To preserve the horse-radish for a whole year, choose good roots, without damage, reject the damaged specimens, cut the tops, put them in a box and cover them with sand so that they do not come into contact with each other. In this case, the bottom layer of sand should be about 7 centimeters. About once a week, we moisten the sand with water so that it is slightly damp. So the rhizomes will remain fresh until the next season, and you will have a fresh seasoning to the table all year round.

If you have nowhere to put a box of horseradish, we suggest trying another way of storing horseradish. Dug roots are washed and put in a warm place for drying. After it dries, take a mortar and shake it into powder.

The next method is as follows: first, the roots are washed in cold water, then cleaned and cut into thin strips. After that, put them on a baking sheet and put in an oven, heated to 60 degrees. After 40 minutes, we take them out, cool them, grind them in a blender and transfer the dry mixture into a glass jar, covering it with a lid. Just consider the fact that before use, the powder is first soaked in water and left for about an hour. During this time, it swells well, and you can fill the resulting gruel with vinegar or sour cream.

How to store grated horseradish?

But this method is great for long-term storage of the root. So, take the root of the horse-radish, clean it and rub it on a small thyme. After that, we bred it in vinegar so that the result is a liquid gruel. Then we shift it into a jar and clog it well.

How to store horseradish in the refrigerator?

Thanks to this method of storage, you quickly prepare horseradish, only "he will live", unfortunately, not more than 3 weeks. So, take the young roots of the root, not more than 30 centimeters long and clean them from the ground. After that, we put them into bags and put them in the refrigerator. If you put the horseradish root not in the refrigerator, but in the freezer, it will stay for 5 months. However, in this case it must be cut into pieces.

How to store twisted horseradish?

With the help of a meat grinder we chop the horseradish and put it into jars. In this case, you can add to it beet juice, pour salt, sugar and pour vinegar. We plug the jars and put them in the refrigerator for storage.

How to store fresh horseradish?

Horseradish, like many other vegetables, can be stored fresh, using the cellar. For this, the roots of this plants dig up, carefully shake off the soil, then form small bundles of them and hang them.

How to store horseradish in the freezer?

Well, and the last way. Horseradish washed, dried, peeled off, then spread out into whole polyethylene bags and tied so that they do not get air, very tight. Now we remove them in the freezer and take them out as necessary. This method is convenient because if you want to suddenly use it, then we simply rub it on the canteen and add it to the desired dish.