The Estonian witch warned why it is impossible to photograph sleeping people

Fans of one of the most mysterious television projects in the history of the television "Battle of Psychics" know firsthand about the young and, perhaps, the most promising participant - a finalist of three seasons Marilyn Kerro.

The Estonian witch, from the very first minutes, has attracted the attention of the audience to her own person and is not at all surprising, because in her rituals the girl used knives, animal hearts, fish eyes and even wax dolls, and the credible results of her investigations led to shock even of stiff skeptics!

Today every advice or warning from clairvoyant audiences absorbs like a sponge, knowing with certainty that all of them are checked first of all by her life experience.

Do you want to know why, in the words of Marilyn Carro, you should never photograph sleeping people?

We all know that during sleep a person is vulnerable, and not because he is immobilized or completely relaxed. It turns out that during sleep and especially the night, the soul leaves the body, as a result of which a person weakens and loses protection. And given that the photos are endowed with special energy and can influence the destinies of people, then a snapshot of a sleeper (read a person without protection) can then be in the hands of ill-wishers and bring on a deliberate or simply accidental harm to health and other spheres of life, including personal!

According to the Estonian witch, a person photographed during a dream will not have a soul in the photo, and he can get into trouble even from the fact that he saves such a frame! In this case, if the picture is already there or just was made, it is better to get rid of it as soon as possible:

"Do it immediately! Bury him or burn him, after having read any prayer above him, about health or salvation, which you know ... "

But that's not all - Marilyn said that photographing a sleeping person, you can even bring death upon him! During her training in various ceremonies, she learned that there was such an old belief that when people sketched the dead, and after the camera appeared, they began photographing them to leave a posthumous memory. Since then, a picture with a sleeping person has become a symbol of death!

For the very same Marilyn Kerro, everything that is connected with the photos and the process of filming is even more important. At one time the girl used to work as a model, and she knows that the photo sessions should be treated with caution, or at all from them to refuse if at that moment you have a bad mood:

"Such pictures will only harm your energy field or can cause sudden ills in life. To make photos useful and give joy to you and others, you need to pose only in a good mood! "