Loop diuretics

Diuretics is a group of drugs of different chemical structure, whose action is directed to enhance diuresis - the formation and excretion of urine. Their reception helps reduce the fluid in the tissues and serous cavities of the body. In the group of these drugs loop diuretics are distinguished, which have a rather powerful effect.

The mechanism of action of loop diuretics

These drugs affect the Gengle loop, which is part of the renal tubule in the form of a loop, directed toward the center of the kidney. The main function of the Gengle loop is the reabsorption of water and solutes. The mechanism of action of loop diuretic drugs is based on several main effects:

In addition to diuretic properties, these drugs affect some hemodynamic parameters, especially when administered intravenously, and also reduce the volume of extracellular fluid and affect respiratory functions.

The action of loop diuretic drugs occurs quickly (after 20 - 60 minutes) and can last from 4 to 6 hours. The use of these tools is justified only in critical situations. they have serious side effects. In particular, they are used for:

List of loop diuretics

To the list of loop diuretics are preparations based on the following chemical compounds: