Shades of colors

Everything in the world around us is colored in its colors. To be more convenient to perceive and analyze, the whole spectrum was divided into groups, guided by certain characteristics. The most common classification of a palette of shades and colors is a division of them into warm and cold colors. Not many of us can boast of the presence of art education, so determine the colors and shades, know their names - the destiny of designers, stylists, make-up artists. But the minimum knowledge in this area will be relevant for any girl, because the ability to choose the right combination of colors and shades in clothing and makeup allows you to avoid blunders making all efforts to create a stylish image to zero. In this article we will talk about the specifics of different colors and shades, the nuances of their combination.

Warm and cold

The division of existing colors into warm and cold is the most common. The color temperature is determined exclusively by associative. So, cold colors and shades of colors are associated with something cold. For example, with snow, ice, storm clouds, a dark forest. The warm ones remind us of the sun, summer, fire. If to simplify, the color palette in the given classification looks as follows.

But everything is not so simple, because even in nature pure color is a rarity. What can we say about the range of modern fabrics, shadows, nail varnishes! Often we observe the flow of colors and shades into each other, their mixing, complexity and depth. Heat or coldness can be given to any color by certain shades. Orange, red, rich yellow - these warm colors soften the cold colors, and with the help of white, gray, blue, blue, lemon or black, you can "lower the degree" of warm color.

Deaf and sonorous

This is another classification of colors and shades, which designers often use, creating fashionable collections of clothes. To light colors include all light and unsaturated (shallow) cold shades. If to exaggerate, then the deafness and voicing of colors is determined by their saturation. Adding a white color makes the shade more voiced, and the admixture of black is deaf. It should be noted that unambiguity in color perception is a conditional concept. So, gentle shades of some colors (pink, blue, yellow) to one person can seem sonorous, and to another - muffled. But there is no disagreement about the olive and brown colors - they are deaf, heavy, so the image should be "diluted" with contrasting accents. The vibrancy and deafness of flowers is closely intertwined with their ease and weight. Combining the same color with another, you can achieve completely opposite results.

Do not forget about the influence of color on the psyche . So, clothes of red, orange and juicy green color is capable to charge the person with energy, to stimulate, to excite, and violet, dark green and dark blue has calming, relaxing influence.

Variety of colors

As already mentioned, there are so many colors, that sometimes their names discourage us. It is difficult to imagine what shade is hidden, for example, behind the name "sienna", "chartreuse" or "viridian". And owning this information is extremely useful, because online shopping is one of the latest hobbies of modern women. How to understand what color dress you get, if the color name for you is a mystery? Trusting the monitor's color reproduction is a risky business. We offer you a palette of the most common colors and shades with names that match them.