Seasonal allergy in August

In August, medical workers register a significant increase in the incidence of allergic conditions that are life-threatening: edema of the respiratory tract, asphyxiation, bronchial asthma. Why exactly at the end of summer there are such exacerbations? And what is the allergy in August?

Causes of seasonal allergies in August

Exacerbation of seasonal allergies in July and August is due to the fact that at this time in the air increases the amount of pollen allergens. At the end of summer, on empty areas of the earth, populated with weeds, begins abundant flowering, and in fact pollen is one of the most common allergens. The most dangerous are hazel and herbaceous grassy plants, for example, quinoa, ragweed, wormwood.

It should not be forgotten that many ornamental herbs include a lot of garden flowers. Therefore very often there is a seasonal allergy in August at owners of private houses on personal plots which has:

Besides herbs, moldy mushrooms are also found in August.

Treatment of seasonal allergies in August

It is better to start drug treatment if you already have symptoms of seasonal allergies in August:

To combat them, it is better to use antihistamines :

These are general-purpose medicines. They not only eliminate all the symptoms of allergies, but also restore the immune system. As topical agents, nasal sprays can be used:

If you have inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye with allergies in late August, use special anti-allergenic drops :

In most cases, such drugs have a temporary effect.

Those who suffer from attacks of suffocation, it is necessary to use in the treatment of bronchodilating inhalers :

During drug treatment of allergies in August, you need to limit your stay in the fresh air. If you have a homestead, try to work on it after the rain and in cloudy weather.

People who are susceptible to moldy mushrooms, in August, better to stop using: