Pain in the anus in women - causes

The anal opening and rectum are the end part of the digestive system. Therefore, some diseases of the digestive tract can provoke pain in the anus in women - the causes of this symptom, as a rule, consist in the development of inflammatory processes. But there are other factors that cause this unpleasant clinical manifestation. An important point in the diagnosis is the establishment of the nature of the pain syndrome, its time duration and severity.

Why do women have a traumatic or aching pain in the anus?

At the beginning of the cycle, most women suffer from premenstrual syndrome, one of the signs of which is a weak pulling pain in the anus. It is felt due to the presence between the rectum and the uterus of the internal cavity ("Douglas space"). With a few months, a small amount of fluid accumulates in it, pressurizing the anus. Usually discomfort disappears after 1-2 days.

Other causes of the described symptom:

If the pain in the anus is felt in women only at night, a proctologic fugue takes place. This phenomenon is a short-term spasm of the muscles of the rectum. In fact, this syndrome is not a disease, it passes by itself.

Because of what happens a sharp pain in the anus in women?

The acute nature of pain is allegedly associated with the following problems:

To clarify the diagnosis and differentiation of other diseases, it is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms of inflammatory or purulent processes, the presence of blood in the feces, the severity of dyspeptic disorders, body temperature, the condition of the skin around the anus.

For what reasons is there a strong dull pain in the anus in women?

The type of pain syndrome considered is quite rare. In proctological practice, this symptomatology is associated with such diseases:

Moreover, the cause of pain in the anus can be a sedentary lifestyle for women. Especially often this phenomenon occurs in professional activities that require a long stay in a sitting position (office workers, seamstresses, managers, teachers). In such situations, blood circulation in the pelvic and rectal zones is disturbed, which is immediately responded to by the nerve endings in the form of dull weak pain. Also, unpleasant sensations increase if you sit for a long time on a hard or uncomfortable chair without the support of the waist.