At the fig tree of Benjamin fall leaves - what to do?

This plant is famous not only for its spectacular appearance, but also for capriciousness. Whatever happens, and he has enough of a slight deviation from a comfortable state, the ficus will necessarily start to discard the leaves. Below we will consider the probable causes of the fact that the ficus leaves began to fall, and try to figure out what to do about it.

Why does the ficus have fallen leaves and what should I do?

In general, you should not be afraid of falling leaves in autumn or winter. Listopad in this period of the year is normal, if we do not talk about the mass and sudden loss of greenery. If it is up to 15 leaves, there will be no problems and in the spring new ones will grow in their place.

When we talk about more extensive losses, the situation becomes dangerous. So, let's look at the list of reasons why the ficus has fallen leaves, and advice on what can be done with this phenomenon:

  1. The ficus is a conservative plant and does not like changes. The situation in which we bring the pot home, or change its location, and the Benjamin ficus fall leaves, is quite normal: whatever you decide to do, you will have to wait for the adaptation period. This also applies when we transplanted the plant. It's a shame if after the transplant the green leaves fall off at the ficus, and whatever you try to do, there are no improvements. Here everything is simple: the plant dumps excess cargo, in order to leave more strength for rooting.
  2. Often, the ficus is strongly falling leaves because of waterlogging and the first thing to do is to check the moisture content of the soil. If you notice that with a deepening into the soil, it becomes more wet, and watering a long time, this may be a signal of flooding. It happens that the only salvation will be a complete substitution of the soil for dry, and pruning rotten roots.
  3. Many can not find the right solution to the question of what to do, if suddenly in the winter, the ficus began to fall leaves. Remember that the plant is thermophilic and the cold from the window is fatal for it. Therefore, when placed on a windowsill we lay felt under the vase, avoid airing, it can catch cold ficus. If possible, we cover it, or we remove it from the window.
  4. And finally, the last possible reason why the Benjamin ficus falls leaves, there are pests, and all you can do is to cultivate the flower.

As a preventive measure, you should buy funds for resuscitation of domestic plants like "Epin" and just occasionally process the flower.