Peperomy - home care

Peperomy is a plant belonging to the pepper family. Her homeland is America and the southern regions of India, where the pepermia feels comfortable on the trunks of trees, moss litter and even rocks. In total, more than a thousand kinds of peperomy are known, differing in the shapes of leaf blades, their size and color.

Features of care

In fact, care for pyperomia difficulties in the home is not. However, some subtleties still exist. So, the pyromy does not like drafts. It is better to choose for a pot with your favorite plant a shaded place or a place with a dim scattered light. Green-leaf species need less light, and variegated - in more. Pepermia responds well to a fluorescent lamp, so artificial lighting is also acceptable. Before you root peperomy, pick up a shallow pot and necessarily arrange a drainage system.


Planting of this plant can be carried out hydroponically, but for each type of peperomy, it is better to select the soil individually. Silvery peperomy, for example, loves a mixture of leafy, composted land with sand, and a tusky - soddy land with the addition of peat and sand. Conducting a transplant of peperomy is recommended annually in the spring. Reproduction of peperomy is carried out by seeds and stem cuttings. In pots usually planted 2-4 seedlings, which give after 10-15 days the first shoots. If you decide to try to propagate the plant with cuttings, then select twigs with four nodes. Remove all leaves from the lower node, and cut off half of the remaining leaves. On top of the planted cuttings cover with a plastic transparent bottle. Sometimes plants need to arrange airing. When the active growth begins, the greenhouse can be removed.


As for the watering of the pepermia, here temperance and regularity are the best solution. Only soft water should be approached. The soil is moistened as it dries, and from April to October, the plant can be sprayed. If the moisture is too much, then the plant can rot, the leaves are stained, and the petioles and stems wither. If this happens, the damaged and diseased leaves must be cut off.

The fact that everything is good with the plant, and it's healthy, will be blossoming. Peperomy, unfortunately, can not boast of luxurious colors. Its small and inconspicuous flowers, gathered in inflorescences, resemble thin tails. If you have mastered the basic rules about how to care for peperomy, then inflorescences can be observed twice a year.

Pests and diseases

Despite the unpretentiousness of care, diseases and pests still annoy the peperomy. The most common damage to the plant is caused by mealybugs . To get rid of these pests at an early stage it is possible, if the plant is washed with a soap solution and manually removed all the spiders, foams and mucus. Sometimes the pepermia is infected with a virus, provoking the development of dwarfism. This disease can not be cured, so isolate the dying plant from the rest so that the virus does not spread.

Interesting facts about peperomy

It turns out that this plant not only decorates the house, but also affects the atmosphere in it. So, the useful properties of the pepermia, the representative of the watermark Cancer, will come in handy in a house where the struggle of two opposite characters is observed. It is believed that such people are wrapped in thread-like long elements in their aura. A bushlike peperomy dissects these threads, making the atmosphere in the house benevolent. It is impossible to verify this, but the pepermy given to the head in the cabinet will not be superfluous.