Aquarium catfish - maintenance and care

In nature there are about 2000 species of catfish, 800 of which are successfully kept and bred by aquarium lovers. In overwhelming majority, catfish prefer a nocturnal way of life, mostly they live in shelters in the lower strata of water.

Among the huge variety of catfishes, there are peaceful and aggressive, herbivorous and carnivorous individuals, not to mention other distinctive features. The most popular among aquarists are mail and armored catfish, mottled , as well as the so-called soma-prikipaly - ancistrus , the maintenance and care of which is approximately the same and quite simple.

Maintenance and care of catfishes

First of all, you need to understand that the catfish in the aquarium are not garbage collectors and scavengers, although they do the work of the nurses with success. They, as well as other aquarium inhabitants, need proper care.

And before buying and launching a representative of the catfish family into the aquarium, it is necessary to take into account such parameters as soil at the bottom, presence of shelters, vegetation, compatibility with other fish.

Aquarium primer is mandatory for keeping catfish. In the process of finding remnants of food, catfish will produce some noise by moving the pebbles on the bottom of the aquarium. It is undesirable to lay large gravel so that the catfish do not damage the abdomen and antennae.

The water temperature in the aquarium should be at the level of 18 ... 26 ° С, with neutral acidity and rigidity of 6-8º. As for plants, mainly for the content of catfishes, artificial ones are used. As a living vegetation ehindorus or cryptocarina.

Somiki prefer a solitary way of life and poor lighting. For a comfortable stay, they simply need shelter - the roots of grapes, stones, shells, where they can hide in the afternoon.

Speaking about the maintenance and care of aquarium catfishes, it is impossible not to mention their livability with different fish. Most of the soms are peaceful and have little conflict with their neighbors. However, honey sometimes sorts out the relationship up to the killing of a weaker congenitor.

A significant place in the maintenance and care of fish catfish takes their correct feeding. They are omnivorous, therefore their basic diet can consist of a bloodworm, tubule, cornet, black bread, daphnia, low-fat meat, dry food. To ensure proper nutrition, sometimes they need to be fed with spirulina in tablets.

Improper maintenance and care of aquarium catfish can lead to their illness. Excess of salts and nitrates in water leads to poor health. They become lethargic, almost do not move away from food, they have no antennae. In this case, they must be immediately removed from the aquarium and provide enhanced care - frequent water changes, increased aeration, and avoidance of rotting food.