How to guess on the cards?

Many of us ask questions about the future and are ready to take risks to find out what awaits them. Since ancient times, one way to find out was the divination of cards. This ancient art requires preparation and skill, but it is not at all necessary to follow the answers to the fortune-teller. Let's see how you can learn to guess cards on your own.

How to start the process of divination

First of all, you need to buy a special deck. It does not have to be a tarot card, and an ordinary 36-card deck will do. But you can not play fortune-telling cards, and it is advisable not to give your deck to anyone, unless it is necessary for fortune-telling. Otherwise, the cards will start to lie.

There are different ways of guessing, the choice depends on what you are interested in. However, it should be remembered that in all sources describing how to guess correctly, before any guessing it is important to observe a special ritual. It is always necessary to be mentally focused on the question, the answer to which you want to receive. In doing so, you need to carefully shuffle the cards, and then move some of the cards with the little finger of the left hand and fold them to the bottom of the deck.

Simple ways of guessing

Asking about how to guess on maps, you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to study a number of values ​​of cards, as well as their combinations. Of course, there are simple ways of guessing, starting with them is best.

To begin with, you need to learn how to choose the right card for the person you are going to guess. For women it's a lady, for men it's a king. Unmarried and unmarried suit the tambourine, married and married - hearts, elderly people - clubs.

For one of the simplest and truthful fortune-telling for the near future, you need to choose a card that matches you. Next, perform the ritual mentioned above, and put around your card four cards cross. You should not choose them in a row, but count out every seventh. And look at the values. The map to your left means the past or present, which will soon end. The bottom card is something transient that will soon leave your life. The maps on the top and the right signify the near future - their prediction must be fulfilled within the next one or two weeks.

Values ​​of cards:

Divination by relations

There is also a popular truthful guessing on a guy or the future of a relationship with a loved one. Having determined your cards, you need to lay out a deck of three cards in rows under each other until you drop yours. There should be three vertical rows: the past, the present and the future. Pay attention to how far your cards are located from each other - the closer they are - the greater the chance for a good relationship.

When starting to guess, consider how often you can guess in one way or another. To divination for the future was true, do not repeat it before the deadline for which it is calculated - 1-2 weeks. It is possible to guess the desires or relationships more often, but do not ask the cards twice the same question.