How to forget a lover?

Alas, not all love relationships can last long and happily. Many couples encounter a relationship break. Overcome the gap is more difficult for women because of the increased emotionality, it is difficult for them to begin to build new relationships , because they are emotionally unable to get rid of the old. At this stage, the question often arises of how to forget a lover. There are several recommendations that will make it as soon as possible.

  1. Come to terms with parting. It is also peculiar for some women after leaving the lover to mentally return to the reason for what happened, and how it would be if you turned back time and correct everything. These thoughts will not lead to anything good. You just need to understand and accept that sooner or later it should happen.
  2. Get rid of everything that reminds of a lover, erase his number from the phone and remove from friends on social networks. Do not try to be where the former lover can be.

How to forget a lover if he is drawn to him?

Some women have a married lover, but at the time of parting, the question is how to forget it. In this case, you need to try to look into the future together. Judging by the fact that the lover goes "left" secretly from his wife, we can conclude that he will change in the future and the current mistress. After all, feel like a cheated woman does not want.

There is also a risk that when the lover is permanent, it can become boring, because then there will be no intrigue in the relationship, and there will not be anything to fight for.

How to forget a lover and fall in love with her husband?

Before the unfaithful wife, there are two tasks - to forget the lover and to make sure that her husband does not become aware of treason. Virtually all infidel wives face remorse. Thoughts about that there were feelings for another man, and I had to deceive my husband, are driving me crazy. In this case, you need to do everything to forget your lover. And fall in love with her husband is not so difficult, because in fact, the wife did not cease to love him. To the lover there were feelings of passion, and many confuse it with love. It is necessary to spend more time with the spouse and notice in him only good qualities.