Why do men lie?

Probably, there is no such woman who would not face the masculine lie. They tell tales, dodge, lead us by the nose and do everything so that we do not know the truth. But why do men cheat us? What motivates them and can they be trusted to the stronger sex? Let's look at this difficult question.

Why do men lie?

To begin with, the representatives of the weaker sex also know how to "master" reality with virtuosity. However, men lie more often than women. And they do it all the time. They lie to friends, acquaintances, relatives, and, finally, to their women. And contrary to common sense, they do not know how to lie. More often than not, lying is nothing more than a means to get out of an unpleasant situation, which in male life is encountered at every turn. So, why do men lie to women?

  1. Fear of being misunderstood. Often, men try not to tell how they spent their day. Perhaps, it turns out and does without lies, but silence or embellishment of events can not be avoided. The reason here is the fear of being ridiculous.
  2. Embellishment of details. In this case, the banal desire to always appear in the eyes of a woman is the best. Even if the man was not in the best situation, he would turn everything upside down, so that the story turned out to be beneficial for him.
  3. Men lie when they say compliments. But after all, on the other hand, what girl would like to hear that he noticed long ago how she got better, or that she does not go to a new dress at all? Here the reason is understandable in principle - the unwillingness to run up to a scandal.
  4. Men lie when they change. This example should be clear to many. Few of the representatives of the stronger sex are recognized as treason. The question of "left" campaigns itself is worth a separate discussion. And it does not concern so much why men lie, how many reasons for treason itself.

Why do men lie? Because they can not do otherwise. In many cases, lying is either a habit, or it is salutary in a particular situation, when you need to get out and show yourself in a more advantageous light.

How to understand that a man is lying?

Female intuition rarely failed the representatives of the weaker sex. In addition, only women tend to notice the micromimic of the face. Anyway, the man who was suspected of lying, is unlikely to get out. Especially if we arm ourselves with great tips on what to look for if you think that a man is cheating on you:

1. Speech. With a lie, it can be accompanied by:

2. Gestures:

3. Interaction:

This is only a minimum of tips, how to find out what a man is lying. However, even if you you will catch it on lies, it is easier for you hardly. Moments when he lied to you already were, and will be repeated again. Such is the man's nature.

But what to do if a man lies to you, and you have noticed it many times? However strange it may sound, first of all, pay attention to yourself. Often a lie for men is a salvation or defense. If a man always lies to you, this is an occasion to reflect. Perhaps you yourself provoke it. Ask questions that he can not honestly answer, file him about and without. Perhaps it's easier for him to lie than to run into your next scream or scandal. In any case, before you accuse a man of all sins, consider where your distrust came from. Maybe not everything is so bad and a beloved man should at least sometimes be trusted?