Village of Raska Gora

The village of Raska Gora belongs to the municipality of Mostar , which is the second largest in Bosnia and Herzegovina . The special charm of this place lies in the pristine pristine nature and color of this settlement.

The settlement has a very small number of inhabitants. According to the latest population census conducted in 1991 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, there were only 236 people. The ethnic composition of the population is heterogeneous and consists of Croats in the number of 138 people and Serbs in the number of 98 people.

In the immediate vicinity of the village, the Salakowiec hydroelectric power station was built. Its purpose is to provide the population and industrial enterprises of Bosnia with electrical energy. But progress, with all its advantages, has had an impact on natural beauty. Once in this area was a small village of Vita. But it had to be destroyed in connection with the construction of this large-scale facility. Residents were resettled in another locality, and the territory became almost deserted. For this reason, near the village of Rashka Gora, the train stops stopped.

Attractions in Raska Gora

The area that surrounds the village is extremely picturesque, thanks to the natural resources and abundance of greenery. For tourists it will be very interesting to visit the following places:

How to get to the village of Raska Gora?

The location of the village is the coast of the main river of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Neretva . As a reference, the Salakowiec hydroelectric power station is used. It is located about 17 km from the city of Mostar upstream. Therefore, tourists will first have to travel to Mostar , which can be reached from any city in the country by bus or train. If the trip is from Sarajevo , it will take about 2.5 hours.