Stevia for weight loss

In folk medicine, there are many herbs that positively affect the human body and are useful for weight loss, they include stevia, which is used to make sugar substitutes. This herb is a "life-circle" for sweeties, which decided to lose weight, because it is not without reason that it is also called honey grass.

Beneficial features

  1. Grass stevia for weight loss reduces appetite and gives the opportunity to enjoy a sweet taste without additional calories.
  2. The plant includes essential oils, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins .
  3. Drink from this herb is a good tool that prevents the emergence of colds and inflammatory diseases.
  4. Stevia helps to strengthen immunity, and also get rid of toothache.
  5. The plant is recommended for use to people who have problems with the intestines, as well as gastritis and ulcers.
  6. Sugar substitute on the basis of this herb can be found in any pharmacy, its name is stevioside. In appearance, these are brown tablets that taste much sweeter than sugar.

Tea with stevia for weight loss

Dried stevia you can find in pharmacies, and if desired, grow on your windowsill.

The leaves that you add tea instantly give the drink a sweet taste. There are several options for its preparation.

The first - just pour the grass with boiling water and drink the infusion received.

The second way is more complicated and it is prepared so




Grass pour boiling water and leave this infusion for 5 minutes, and then pour it into a thermos and brew tea for 12 hours. After that, strain the drink and press the pressed grass again with boiling water for 6 hours. Then mix 2 broths and eat 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.

Slimming tea with stevia will help improve metabolism and get rid of extra pounds.

Other recipes

This useful grass can be used to prepare various dishes, which in the end turn out to be low-calorie and very tasty.




To prepare a tasty and sweet syrup, it is necessary to pour stevia with boiling water and bring the drink to a boil. Then cook for about 1 hour on small fire. The resulting broth should be filtered, and squeezed leaves again pour 500 ml of boiling water and drain again. To get the syrup, you need to mix the 2 decoctions obtained.


Many housewives prepare this sauce at home for a long time, but in order to reduce its calorie content it is necessary to use stevia.



All ingredients should be mixed in a blender for half an hour. During whipping, gradually add vegetable oil.


Diabetics can eat stevia, but only in limited quantities. It is not recommended to use it for people who have low blood glucose levels. Control the amount of tea drunk necessary for people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, since it can cause hypertension. It is necessary to be careful with such a drink allergic, as some components of the plant can trigger the emergence of various reactions. Even if you do not have diseases, you still need to control the amount of plant you use. If you drink tea with stevia, then it is better to refuse from sugar substitutes on its basis and vice versa.

Here is a new grass, which every day becomes more popular, will help get rid of extra pounds and improve your health.