Work from which grow fat: a list of the most "fat" professions

If you can not determine the cause of excess weight, then can it be all the fault of your profession?


Statistics say that accountants are at great risk of gaining extra pounds.

Possible reasons:

Constant stress

The work of the accountant requires constant concentration and concentration, since one mistake can provoke serious problems. In such conditions it is impossible not to be nervous. And what a person at this time does, of course, eats and besides, something high-calorie.


During work, you need to constantly think, and for this the brain needs glucose, and get it, of course, from sweets.

Lack of time

The work of an accountant is so busy that there is absolutely no time to go to a fitness club or just go for a jog. Well, it certainly will have a negative effect on your figure.

What to do in this case:

  1. You have to understand that work is not all life, but only a way to ensure your own well-being. Find yourself a hobby that will distract from reports, audits and other papers.
  2. Try to build your daily schedule in such a way that it certainly had time for fitness classes. Sport helps not only to watch your figure, but also to get away from problems.
  3. To stimulate the brain, use muesli vegetables, etc.

Teacher and Teacher

The reasons for excess weight in people of this profession:

A responsibility

Educators and teachers are responsible for the child not only to parents, but also to the law. To somehow calm down and get distracted to help come your favorite chocolate sweets and cakes.

Complete dedication

Women who work by vocation, that is, this profession is exactly what they always dreamed of, give themselves to work completely. In addition to normal working hours, they are engaged with children out of hours, they are conducting circles, at home they prepare materials for future lessons, and they can not find time for themselves.

Good profession

People who work with children do not have the right to manifest their aggression and anger. They should always be kind and smiling. To calm down, the hand reaches for the next cake. As a result, the weight increases significantly, and you turn into a "lush" and kind woman.

What to do in this case:

It is important for every person to learn, not to suppress, but to express their discontent and anger. This is ideal for doing sports, you can even go to the box.


The reasons for excess weight in women of this profession:

A huge temptation

When around a lot of delicious food, it is very difficult to deny yourself the pleasure of eating everything. And you do not need to cook separately for yourself or go to the store, everything is in front of you, and even for free.

Complicated work schedule

It is often enough to work for 12 hours and it's normal to sit down and eat simply, no. Therefore, cooks, in general, eat on the go, and this is one of the main reasons for the appearance of excess weight .

What to do in this case:

  1. In this case, the only solution is to try everything, but in the minimum amount.
  2. During the day, take a break in order to sit down and have lunch or dinner.
  3. Close to the evening, try to reduce the amount of high-calorie food, since it is most likely to be deposited on your sides.


Causes of excess weight:

Constant stress

During the day before you passes a huge number of buyers, each of which behaves differently. Some can nag, yell, but the cashier has no right to answer the same, as he will simply be fired. In general, stress jams tasty, sweet and high-calorie.

small salary

The money received is not enough for quality products, so you have to buy cheap and, unfortunately, harmful options.

What to do in this case:

Reconsider your life, learn to abstract and not pay attention to anyone. In between shifts, do gymnastics and find cheap analogs of the right food for yourself.