Laser scar removal

Scars have long been not considered an "adornment" for either men or women, especially if they are present on the face. The safest, painless and effective way to get rid of such defects is the removal of scars by laser or grinding. This technique allows you to eliminate scars of any kind - at the level with the skin (normotrophic), towering over it (hypertrophic, keloid) and sinking (atrophic).

Which laser is better for removing scars?

In dermatology and cosmetology, two types of laser devices are used: erbium and fractional (CO2, DOT).

The first type of device acts gently, since it has a shorter wavelength and practically does not affect the surrounding healthy tissues. Such lasers are also called cold because of minimal thermal impact and painlessness, usually no local anesthesia is required.

DOT-grinding is performed by a device with a longer wavelength, respectively, the effect after such a procedure is achieved more quickly. But the use of CO2 laser is accompanied by some painfulness, causes reddening of the skin, which occurs after a few days.

The variety of the device is selected depending on the size and shape of the rumen, its depth. As a rule, DOT-lasers are preferred, the effect of which can be supplemented by erbium polishing at the end of the course of therapy.

Removal of scars on face and body with laser

The technology of the procedure is quite simple: a microscopic perforation (cauterization and destruction) of the scar is carried out by the laser beam. During the rehabilitation period in deep layers of damaged skin, new healthy cells are formed, which gradually replace scar tissue.

After several polishing, you can achieve a lightening of the scar and alignment of its relief.

In the same way, laser scars are removed after acne on the face ( post-acne ). In this case, the growth of collagen and elastin fibers is stimulated, which ensures filling of even deep cavities with healthy skin, normalization of its color and structure. Complete removal of scars from acne by laser is carried out for 4-10 procedures with intervals of 2-3 weeks.