How to get a good harvest of strawberries?

In order to learn how to grow a large crop of strawberries, it is not enough just to wander through the expanses of the Internet. Of course, it can find a lot of very useful information on growing, but personal experience has not been canceled yet. If the experience is how to get a large and good harvest of strawberries, not yet, it must immediately begin to acquire. Nothing particularly difficult and difficult in this, no, but you need to try to get as much valuable information from the first mouth, before you achieve a good harvest of strawberries.

How to grow a good crop of strawberries?

  1. The fundamental factor of a good harvest is the right choice of variety. You should choose varieties only based on your climatic conditions, rather than watching television advertising about giant giants. Suitable varieties should be hardy before drought and not be prone to various fungal diseases. It is not necessary to chase a large berry - as a rule, it is grown for sale and appreciated for good transportation, but its taste qualities are mediocre.
  2. On the second place is the right choice of the arrangement of the strawberry beds. Berry will feel good and actively bear fruit if earlier on this site grew beans, onions, garlic, beets or carrots. But all kinds of Solanaceae are extremely undesirable predecessors. It is necessary to sustain not less than three years, before in their place to lay strawberry beds.
  3. Do not forget that before growing a good crop of strawberries, you should regularly water the bushes twice a week, from the time when the earth will dry out well after the spring melting snow. Strawberry is a culture that is very responsive to timely watering. And timely feeding with organic will also be a plus in care.

How to increase the harvest of strawberries?

But it happens that it seems that the sorts are chosen the right ones, and the care is regular, but the berries are small, clumsy or the bush does not bear fruit at all. The reasons can be different. So, you need to know that in one place a strawberry bush can grow no more than three years. After that, the berries are reduced, the yield drops sharply, and the soil accumulates diseases and pests of strawberries. Regularly monitor crop rotation.

For the transplant of bushes, the optimal time is early spring or end of August. If the transplant is carried out in the heat or before the very frosts, then the harvest can not wait. Rosettes for updating landings should be taken by the most beautiful and large of the first row. Sockets formed at the end of the mustache are weak and subject to recycling.

With late frosts, plantings are covered with non-woven material in the spring, and mulch materials for winter. Adhering to such simple rules it is quite possible to get an excellent harvest of fragrant berries from a small plantation.