The kitten has watery eyes

The eyes of the kitten must always be clean. And if the kitten's eyes are watering, it tells us that there is a problem that needs to be addressed urgently. After all, if you do not take any measures in time, the sight of the kitten will start to deteriorate.

Than to treat eyes at kittens?

The first thing you need to do is rinse the kitten quickly. If you have a chemist at home, this is what you need. This medicinal plant is best for cats to wash their eyes. Brew the daisy and rinse the kitten with a warm decoction. The procedure should be repeated several times a day, as one or two washes will not give the desired result. You can make a weak solution of potassium permanganate and use it or buy another antiseptic in the pharmacy.

Sometimes washing is ineffective and the kitten's eyes continue to water, try to bury them with eye drops. The choice of drops in the pharmacy network is very large: Diamond eyes, levomycetin, Tsiprolet and other effective means.

The kitten, of course, will break out of your hands. To do this, you need to fix his head, and only then you can do the necessary procedure. Carefully open the eye and insert a drop of solution into it so that it completely rinses the mucous eyes. Before using the drug, be sure to read the instructions for use.

If the problem with the eyes does not pass and you continue to learn the question of why the eyes are watering the kitten, you need to contact the veterinarian. Who, if not a specialist, knows how to treat the eyes of kittens. In the clinic your pet will be examined, establish the cause of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment. After all, the reasons when the kitten has watery eyes, very much.

Causes of lachrymation of the eyes in kittens

If a speck of dust or a villous gets into the eye of the kitten and there is no serious mechanical damage, the rinsing works very well and the lacrimation passes. But, sometimes there are lesions of the mucous membrane of the eyes, requiring medical intervention.

Another, more serious reason, when the kitten has watery eyes, is the body's reaction to external stimuli. The most or with the help of laboratory tests will have to look for an allergen to remove it, otherwise it will be useless to fight the disease.

Oddly enough, the presence of helminthic intestinal invasion or any other problems with this organ can cause lachrymation in the kitten. You need to be attentive to the diet of his food. For eyes, you have to take care until the moment when you can give the kitty a preparation from worms.

Sometimes your small pet does not fit the daylight lamp and for this reason he cries all day. In this case, you need to change the lighting or the place of stay of a small animal.

Very dangerous for kittens and pose a threat to a human infection caused by bacteria or viruses that begin with lacrimation. The most common of these is chlamydia and mycoplasmosis. To diagnose diseases it is required to pass tests for the presence of infection. If the disease is confirmed, eye treatment in kittens continues for a long time with the use of strong medications.

Some breeds of cats (Persian, British) are born with impaired nasolacrimal canal. A kitten of this breed, you need to prepare for constant eye care from the moment of your birth. It happens that the tear does not pass through the nasolacrimal canal. Then the treatment is conducted in the clinic.

For cats of the breed, the sphinx or rex vein turn, accompanied by a constant flow of tears, is a frequent phenomenon. Only such surgeons can help such cats.

In order for your kitten to grow up healthy, you need to look at his eyes every day.