Mugs in primary school

It has long been known that creativity is considered the highest manifestation of a person's abilities. Creative instincts and abilities begin to show the child very early, at the age of two to five years. At this time, the personality is formed, and the child begins to manifest itself in various fields of activity. The main task of parents and teachers is to support the baby, directing his creativity in the right direction. Missing the development of certain abilities for various reasons, the child will face difficulties in the future, and talent can be lost forever.

The role of circles in primary school

Children of junior school age differ in that they trustfully submit to the authority of adults, are impressionable, have increased susceptibility, and to many situations are in a naive-game form. Adults can not guarantee that the manifestations of certain abilities will persist in the future, but they can not be left without attention. That is why professional and general education reform includes the development of a variety of out-of-school institutions, including mugs in primary school.

So, in elementary school, the work of circles is aimed at the all-round development of children. Thanks to these classes, students can improve both aesthetic and labor education. Thanks to subject circles in primary school (mathematical, historical, linguistic and others), children deepen their knowledge, learn to apply them in extracurricular life. At the same time, subject circles are not limited to pedagogical tasks. Educational and educational work in primary school includes the organization of sports, technical circles. The activity and focus of any circle in the primary school is determined by the program and perspective-thematic plans developed by the leaders.

Standards of the education system

Out-of-school development is part of the program of the Federal State Educational Standard. And the subject, the program, and the names of the circles in the primary school are clearly spelled out here. So, the program of the circle "Pochemuchka" is aimed at the spiritual and moral upbringing of schoolchildren. They learn the right attitude to nature, people, learn the basics of the relationship between man and nature. The purpose of the environmental circle in the primary school is to ensure that children not only perceive the surrounding world correctly, but also take concrete steps to improve it.

According to GEF, the circles in the primary school should not only be of an educational nature, provide children with artistic and aesthetic development. The physical aspect is also taken into account. Sports clubs in primary school ("Zdoroveyka!" And others) contribute to a full-fledged physical and psychological development. Classes that are held in a game form (competitions, relay races, games), children really like.

I promote the development of creative abilities of children in primary school t mugs of drawing, origami, modeling, vocals, choreography. The duties of managers include not only teaching students how to perform a task, but also establishing a psycho-emotional contact with each individual child. This approach provides the most optimal conditions for the children's abilities to be fully revealed, and the talent gets the necessary cut.

And even in the absence of pronounced abilities, mugs in primary school always bring children benefits. They learn to be responsible, independent, collected, accurate, achieve their goals, apply the knowledge they have gained in life.