Rules for collecting mushrooms for children

"Quiet hunting" is what mushroom picking is called. People go to the forest not only to diversify their menu, this process is akin to meditation, it brings peace and tranquility.

Of course, children growing up in the family of mushroom pickers, too, collect mushrooms from an early age along with their parents. To make these forest walks safe, careful instruction is required regarding edible and inedible species.

Before you teach the child to properly collect mushrooms, you need to check several times the Rules Memo and his theoretical knowledge in the form of an examination before starting practice.

Such different edible mushrooms are widely spread in various regions of our country:

And the most dangerous poisonous mushrooms, the use of which promises great trouble, up to a lethal outcome:

Instruction: how to collect mushrooms

  1. Never take an unfamiliar mushroom, if there is any doubt, it is better to leave it or consult with adults.
  2. You can not take large overgrown mushrooms. Even in clean areas, they are a storehouse of harmful substances.
  3. The place for the collection of mushrooms should not be located near roads and industrial facilities - the farther into the forest, the safer.
  4. Collect mushrooms best in the morning.
  5. Never taste mushrooms, even if they are russules.
  6. Twisting and breaking out of the mushroom from the mycelium is a blasphemous action in relation to nature. A mushroom picker should always have a small knife with which it is convenient to prune the mushroom leg.
  7. It is not advisable to use plastic buckets and cellophane bags for collecting mushrooms - if the trip is to be long, and the weather is warm, then the contents of the bag may overheat and deteriorate.

For children, there are the same rules for collecting mushrooms as for their parents. Only in its example can you show how to behave during the collection. If adults want to accustom a child to their favorite occupation, then from the early age should focus on the names of mushrooms, on their differences, and especially that there are deadly mushrooms. Also, the whole family needs to know the main signs of fungal poisoning in order to immediately seek medical help if necessary.