Poisoning with mushrooms - symptoms

Poisoning mushrooms in half the cases result in death. Therefore it is very important to know the first signs of the disease, be able to provide the necessary medical care to the victim and not to forget about precautions.

Signs of Poisoning by Poisonous Mushrooms

Depending on the type of product and toxins contained in it, the symptoms of fungal poisoning also differ.


These are fungi with local excitatory toxins that cause mild intestinal disturbances. These include:

Symptoms of poisoning with these poisonous mushrooms are expressed in nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, colic in the abdomen. Symptoms occur 1-2 hours after eating, and relief comes immediately after washing the stomach and taking sedatives.


It is a poison of hemolytic action, it is contained in lines. In fact, this substance is not dangerous after qualitative heat treatment, but for safety it is better not to eat mushrooms of this type at all.


Poisons that damage the nervous system

These include:

These substances are contained in fly agaric, fiber and govorushki. Symptoms of poisoning with these fungi:

Signs appear even 1-2 hours after eating mushrooms in food and can last up to 12 hours.


Poisons of this type are dangerous for a long latent period, the first symptoms appear only 60-70 hours after poisoning. During this time there are serious changes in the body and liver tissue.

To fungi containing plasmotoxins, include:

Signs of poisoning:

Poisoning with salted and canned mushrooms - symptoms

Signs of poisoning directly depend on the causes that caused the poisoning of the product:

1. Bacteria. Improper ambassador of mushrooms is often accompanied by the multiplication of pathogens that, when ingested, provoke such symptoms:

2. Botulism. This disease is caused by the proliferation of anaerobic bacteria that are capable of releasing toxins without access to oxygen. Symptoms of botulism are similar to those of bacterial poisoning.

3. External toxins. In this case, fungi absorb toxic substances either from the environment or from the containers in which they are stored. Symptoms:

Measures to prevent fungal poisoning: