Inflammation of the facial nerve - treatment

The movements of the facial muscles are the branches of the trigeminal cranial nerve. When it is affected, complete or partial paralysis is observed, the asymmetry of the face, the patients feel intense pain, intensified by the slightest touch to the skin, even during the application of make-up.

It is important to immediately try to remove the inflammation of the facial nerve - a treatment started in the early stages of the pathology, allows to avoid complications and prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

Treatment of inflammation of the trigeminal facial nerve with drugs

Therapy of the described ailment includes the reception of a whole complex of medications necessary to eliminate the clinical manifestations of neuritis. If the disease is secondary, first treatment of the underlying pathology is performed.

Medicines for the treatment of facial nerve inflammation:

1. Hormonal anti-inflammatory:

2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

3. Analgesics:

4. Spasmolytics:

5. Diuretics:

6. Vasculature:

7. Metabolic and anticholinesterases:

8. Muscle relaxants:

9. Anticonvulsants:

Additionally, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed (Solyux lamp, Minina, UHF, acupuncture, ultrasound and others).

Treatment of facial nerve inflammation in the home

Independent attempts to stop the pathological process will not succeed, therefore it is better to immediately consult a doctor and not aggravate the situation.

As a prophylaxis for relapse, it is possible, after the reduction of inflammation, to use plant antineurotics: