White coating on tonsils

A raid on the tonsils is a deviation from the norm, a symptom that may indicate the presence of various diseases. The plaque can be accompanied by painful sensations, reddening of the throat, and also high fever. But these symptoms may be absent in the presence of candidiasis.

Causes of white raids on tonsils

So, if you notice a white coating on the tonsils, you should determine what symptoms accompany such a condition in order to guess what caused it and how to eliminate it.

Plaque on tonsils without temperature - candidiasis of the oral cavity

If the plaque on the tonsils is not accompanied by fever, or if it fluctuates within the subfebrile, it is possible that the cause of the symptom was the fungus.

For the disease is characteristic that the plaque occurs not only on the tonsils, but also in the language, especially in the morning hours.

With candidiasis, the raid initially is not pronounced - a thin whitish film, as well as small white lumps in the tongue may not attract attention to themselves in the initial stage. But gradually the amount of plaque increases, and this becomes a tangible problem. If the plaque in the progression becomes larger, then the likelihood of candidiasis is high. To finally determine the candidiasis, you need to do a swab of the mouth, and if the disease is already sufficiently manifested in the symptoms, you can do with visual diagnostics.

Plaque on the tonsils in ARVI

In ARVI, a white coating may also occur. This means that there was a complication of the disease due to the spread of viruses. In this case, white onion is preceded by a general malaise, frequent sneezing, an elevated temperature not exceeding 38 degrees.

White coating occurs after the recovery of the body - a week, if the immune system is not experiencing glitches.

Plaque on tonsils with angina

Angina is a combination of symptoms caused, as a rule, by group A streptococcus. The microorganism produces toxins that poison the body and disguise itself in its structure under connective tissue, heart muscle fibers and joint tissue. This leads to the fact that the body in an attempt to get rid of the microbe also affects its tissues. Thus, there is a definite reaction - a combination of symptoms, among which there is a white coating on the throat.

Since the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, the organs, on which the microorganism is based - the throat, the nose, are affected, first of all.

Tonsils covered with white coating - a manifestation of pharyngitis

Pharyngitis is a separate disease of the throat. It can complicate - with angina, acute respiratory viral infection, or the flu, or be a separate disease and be only an inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa.

With pharyngitis, the throat becomes red, sometimes a white coating appears, and the disease is characterized by painful sensations and a low-grade fever. The causative agent of pharyngitis can be both bacteria and viruses.

If the sore throat is especially sore in the afternoon, then with pharyngitis, the acutely painful sensations are manifested in the morning hours.

Treatment of white deposits on tonsils

Treatment of white plaque depends on what caused it.

Than to treat a plaque on almonds with a sore throat?

With angina, the plaque on tonsils is treated, first of all, with antibacterial agents, to which streptococcus is sensitive. One of the most powerful antibiotics in this case is Leflocin, but if taken insufficiently (less than 7 days) and in small dosages, it will provide persistent pharyngitis, whose treatment can be prolonged for a long time, as streptococcus will develop immunity to it.

How to remove plaque from tonsils with pharyngitis?

With pharyngitis, the local treatment of the throat - rinses and sprays - is indicated first. If the pathogen has become a bacterium, then antibacterial sprays are shown - Bioparox, for example. If the pathogen is a virus, then it is necessary to have a herbal rinse (with sage, chamomile), as well as the use of immunostimulating agents - Amiksin, for example, or Groprinosin.

How to treat a plaque on tonsils in ARVI?

When ARVI shows general treatment - a warm abundant drink, anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as tablets with immunostimulating effect.

How to treat a plaque on tonsils with candidiasis?

When candidiasis shows drugs with immunostimulating effect, as well as local treatment of the throat - rinse with soda solution. In severe cases, antifungal tablets are needed.