Rotavirus - symptoms

Rotaviruses are a dangerous kind of microorganisms for humans, causing a disease called rotavirus infection ("intestinal flu"). At the initial stage of the manifestation of the disease, it can be confused with food poisoning, so many people do not rush to see a doctor. However, rotavirus infection requires serious treatment, which can not be delayed. We learn what are the signs of this disease, how to distinguish rotavirus from poisoning, and how many days the person infected with rotavirus is infected.

How does rotavirus infection occur?

Rotavirus penetrates the human body through the gastrointestinal tract (alimentary route). Infection goes through food (for example, dirty vegetables, fruits), unwashed hands, household items. It should be noted that rotavirus is very viable, it can persist for a long time at a cold temperature and in chlorinated water.

Another way of infection is airborne, when infection occurs when a sick person sneezes or coughs. Due to the slight infection of the disease, seasonal outbreaks are characteristic.

An infected person is contagious from the very first day of virus penetration into the body, so it is dangerous for others and should be isolated for the period of treatment. It is believed that a person remains infectious within 10 days after infection. After recovery, relative immunity is produced against a specific strain of the virus, which does not preclude the possibility of re-infection.

Symptoms of rotavirus in adults

Because most people still have rotavirus infection in childhood, in adults the disease is easier, and the symptoms of rotavirus may be erased or mild. Thus, rotavirus in adulthood often develops without a rise in body temperature.

From the moment of infection to the appearance of the first signs of rotavirus can pass from 24 hours to 5 days. During this period, the viruses penetrate into the small intestine, where they actively develop. The acute period of the disease is characterized by the following manifestations:

The difference between rotavirus infection and poisoning

In the first days of infection, the disease is very difficult to distinguish from food poisoning . But it is worth knowing that when poisoning the main symptoms (nausea, diarrhea, vomiting) persist for no more than 2 - 3 days. With rotavirus infection, an acute period with the presence of major clinical signs can last from 3 to 7 days, and in severe cases - up to 10 days. In addition, respiratory manifestations are indicated for rotavirus damage. Confirm the diagnosis can feces analysis on the antigens of the virus.

Complications of rotavirus infection

The main danger of the disease is a high risk of dehydration . This, in turn, can cause circulatory failure and discontinuation urine production. Therefore, even in the absence of appetite and thirst, you should consume as much liquid as possible. Best if it is mineral water without gas, teas, herbal infusions, compotes.

In most cases, adults easily tolerate rotavirus infection, without any complications and dangerous consequences. Sometimes with mild symptoms of rotavirus, even no treatment is required, except for resting, dieting and drinking. But it should be remembered that the disease is dangerous for young children, so when infected, do not allow contact with them.