Black language in the child

Language is not only an organ involved in speech and digestion. It can be called an indicator of the state of the body. Some diseases do not manifest themselves in any way. And only the language can change its color. An experienced doctor, he will tell you a lot. Therefore, parents should pay attention to the color of the tongue, in order to consult a pediatrician. After all, in such a case as the health of your own child, any small thing can be important. In a healthy baby, the tongue is pink. And if it had a dark, black coating, it is natural that this is not the norm. So why does the child have a black tongue?

Black language in the child - reasons

Coloring of the tongue in black is not always associated with diseases. This happens with the use of products of dark colors, for example, after the kid has eaten with a blackberry or fruits of mulberry or drinks from them. In this case, after a few cleansing, the plaque will disappear and the tongue will turn pink again.

In addition, if the baby has iron deficiency anemia, and he takes the iron preparation in liquid form, you can observe that his tongue has become black. Soon after the drug is canceled, the baby tongue will assume a normal color.

However, most often the causes, from which there is a black tongue, are the pathological conditions of the child's body. It is characteristic that the whole surface darkens, but the root of the tongue becomes black. The edges and the tip of the organ remain unchanged, that is, light pink. The appearance of a dark plaque is associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other internal organs. It can be gastritis, colitis, enteritis, dysbacteriosis, as well as disorders in the liver or bile duct. Disease-causing microbes develop not only in the stomach or intestines, but also in the tongue.

If you find a black tongue in the baby, then in addition to dysbiosis, suspicion can fall on candidal stomatitis, or simply thrush. Recognize the infection is not difficult, because the darkening of the tongue is accompanied by a whitish uneven plaque in the oral cavity.

Sometimes the appearance of a black plaque in the language is associated with the use of antibiotics in acute respiratory infections. Darkening usually appears a couple of days after starting taking medications.

In the event of a black plaque on the tongue, the child should make an appointment with a pediatric gastroenterologist. To exclude the pathology of the digestive system, most likely, they will be ordered to undergo ultrasound.