Crohn's disease in children

In this article, we will talk about disorders of the intestine, namely, Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease is an autoimmune disease, also known as nonspecific ulcerative colitis. This disease affects the work of all the mucous layers and tissues of the intestine. The danger of the disease is also that when untimely or incorrect treatment is very likely the occurrence of a number of complications (in Crohn's disease the most frequent complications are the appearance of fistulas in the intestinal tissues or the narrowing of the gut passage), so timely diagnosis of this disease is so important. If your child is diagnosed with this, prepare for a long and persistent struggle for the health of the baby.

Symptoms of Crohn's disease and its causes

To date, clearly identified causes of the appearance of this disease could not be identified. Various researchers identify a number of very different possible causes for the development of this disease, among which:

In any case, Crohn's disease is a violation of the immune processes of the digestive system (in particular the intestine).

Symptoms of the disease:

Due to the violation of the digestive process, the food is not properly digested, the patient suffers from a deficiency of minerals and beriberi, the defenses of the body are weakened, the risk of the appearance of colds and other infectious diseases multiplies.

Children become lethargic, irritable, often there are violations of appetite and sleep. The presence of at least one of the above symptoms is a sufficient reason for a visit to a doctor.

Most often Crohn's disease develops at the age of 12 to 20 years. The disease develops slowly enough, the symptoms appear alternately, with a gradual increase in the strength of their manifestation.

How to treat Crohn's disease?

The main rule of treatment is timeliness. In case the treatment was not started on time, almost certainly within the first 2-3 years there are serious complications: perforation of the intestine, internal bleeding, edema and intestinal cramps, scarring of the intestinal walls, stomatitis, involvement of the joints, liver and bile ducts, eyes or skin.

Nutrition for Crohn's disease is extremely important - the patient must strictly follow the diet prescribed by the doctor. Most often this diet includes a sufficient number of protein products and products that do not cause irritation of the intestine. Coffee, strong tea, fatty, sharp and salty foods are strictly prohibited. Treatment with medicines may vary depending on the age of the disease, its stage and the intensity of the symptoms.