Nervous tick in a child - symptoms and treatment

If your baby has a sharp involuntary contraction of mimic muscles, twitching of the head and shrugging the shoulders, then most likely the neurologist will diagnose a "nervous tic".

Nerve ticks in children may have other symptoms. Often they can be accompanied by changes in the behavior of the baby - restlessness, anxiety, hyperactivity. Ticks can also be of a vocal nature, when the child involuntarily sniffs, snorts, coughs, or repeats words. Children can not control ticks, so they do not need to make comments, pull back - this does not help, but it is quite possible to aggravate the situation. One should not even remind a child of this violation, the more often he thinks about this problem, the more he will twitch.

We will devote an article to the question of how to treat a child's nervous tic.

To begin with we will find out the reasons of occurrence of tics at children. It can be:

As we see, the reasons can be not only emotional, but also serious medical character, therefore it is necessary to struggle with tics at the child.

Treatment of a child's nervous tic

Treatment takes place in two directions - this is psychological and medicamental therapy.

In the first case parents are given such advice:

Often thanks to psychological methods, tics disappear. But what if they did not help, and the child's nervous tic does not go away? In this case, the doctor decides in favor of drug treatment. Typically, first prescribe a mild sedative.

Getting rid of nervous tics in children is well helped by folk remedies:

  1. Compress of leaves of geranium. The crushed plant is applied for 15 minutes to the place where the tick appears.
  2. Decoction of leaves of plantain, rue fragrant and anise seeds (3: 1: 1). The mixture is cooked on low heat for 10 minutes, cool, add honey. Take a drink for 2-4 tablespoons.
  3. Decoction of chamomile, mint, lemon balm, valerian root (3: 2: 2: 1). Drink before going to bed 1 glass.
  4. Tincture of hawthorn. Take for half an hour before meals.

Thus, in the article we examined the symptoms and the main methods of treating the nervous tic in a child. If the treatment did not help, then do not let the problem go by itself. It may be necessary to have an additional examination, because tics can be a consequence of serious brain diseases.